Chapter 1004

Babies liked ferris wheels. Although the children were young, they were very brave. They were not afraid of anything and insisted that Sha zhixing bring her and Noah to play.

Sha Zhixing was afraid that she could not take care of two of them by herself, so she pushed Shi Qinuo onto the ferris wheel while she took photos of them with her camera.

Sha Zhixing was a qualified mother when it came to taking care of children. However, compared to her, after having two children, Shi Qinuo was much more meticulous.

It was hard to imagine that a man who was as elegant as a noble would have such a side to him. He had soaked her milk, fed her, even bathed her children, and done everything for her.

Sometimes, he might even remember things that Sha Zhixing had forgotten. For example, he might remember the day when the baby learned to talk to Noah, and the day when Noah called him for the first time.

Standing under the Ferris Wheel, Sha Zhixing looked quietly at the three of them having fun, then looked at the photo she had taken, and her red lips curled up slightly.

The baby and Noah had been carefree ever since they were born, except for matters related to Luo Xichen!

Shi Qinuo took the two children to play once, and the baby and Noah came down and ran to her with a smile on their faces.

"Mommy, come and play for once. Don't be afraid, uncle Qinuo will carry you, " the baby said.

Noah was secretly laughing at the side.

Uncle Qinuo was carrying mommy?

The picture made her drunk.

Cold Sweat broke out on Sha Zhixing's forehead, and she looked a little embarrassed.

She glanced sideways at Shi Qinuo beside her, and her face unconsciously became a little warmer. "A child's words are fearless, ha... ha ha... "

Did this little girl think that she was them F * Ck Her!

Where did she get the impression that she was afraid of playing with that?

Shi Qinuo pursed his lips and smiled faintly. His hand touched the baby's head, but he did not correct her choice of words. Instead, he followed her words and continued, "Mommy is not as brave as you two, so don't force her. "

"I think so too. " The baby nodded in agreement, and the Little Eyes he looked at Sha Zhixing with a hint of contempt.

Sha Zhixing was silent.

Shi qinuo looked at her speechless expression and could not help but laugh out loud.

"Let's go and Barbecue! " Sha Zhixing held the hand of a child and dragged the two of them to the self-service Barbecue.

The Barbecue area was also on the beach. There were a lot of ingredients in the way of renting a barbecue grill.

The baby and Noah seemed to be very happy today. The small figure ran around Sha Zhixing, laughing from time to time. Her voice was very young, but it made people's hearts warm.

After Sha Zhixing had children, she almost spent all her attention on the two children. To her, nothing else mattered, as long as the two children were happy.

Shi Qinuo did not know how to barbecue, but he had accompanied his family a few times before and was forced to learn a little. However, his skills were still not very good, and his hands were a little rusty.

Sha Zhixing could not stand watching from the side. She walked to his side in a few steps and taught him hand to hand.

Shi Qinuo like this gave her a great sense of achievement.

He finally had a stupid side, and it was refreshing to think about it!

"Mommy, I want the meatballs! " After playing with Noah for a while, the baby came to Sha Zhixing's side. He hugged her thigh and pointed at the charred meatballs on the barbecue grill with a sweet request.

"Okay, Mommy will get you one. " Sha Zhixing helped her get a skewer. She was afraid that it would be too hot, so she bent down and blew on it for her. She bit on half of it to test the temperature and only handed it to her when she felt that it was enough.

However, the baby did not eat it. Instead, he handed the remaining half of her meatball to Shi Qinuo with a smile