Chapter 1024

Sha Zhixing saw his reaction from the corner of her eyes and couldn't help but smile.

This was the first time she had seen Shi Qinuo act like a fool. He was like a young boy who had never been in a relationship and was very cute.

Shi Qinuo came back to his senses after her smile and felt like he was being teased. He couldn't help but pinch her hard.

"ouch, it hurts! " Sha Zhixing screamed, her voice was a little loud.

"What were you laughing at? " Shi Qinuo hit her head with the carrot in his hand, his face full of disdain.

"What? " Sha Zhixing straightened her face and turned to him, giving him a look that said, "see, I'm so serious. ".

Shi Qinuo was amused by her, his big hand carelessly kneaded her hair and pointed to the soup in the pot. "continue, the baby and Noah will be hungry later. "

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and quietly looked at the boiling hot water. Her eyes darkened, but soon she dispelled this emotion.

She turned to look at Shi Qinuo, who was beside her, and started to work in the kitchen with him.

It didn't really matter to her whether she loved him or not now. As long as the two children were happy and she was happy with him, that was enough.

She would try to like him slowly. A man like Shi Qinuo was worthy of all women's love!

As for Luo Xichen, she believed that time could dilute many things.

The four of them sat together like a family and had dinner. After dinner, the baby and Noah were still thinking about bombing Luo Xichen's house. They immediately called Qing Yafeng and asked him to help find Luo Xichen's address.

Qing Yafeng was having dinner with him and Bei Yuan at Luo Xichen's villa when he received the call. He almost choked when he heard the two children's voices.

Qing Yafeng held the phone in his hand and glanced at Luo Xichen, who was sitting opposite him. Qing Yafeng did not hide the fact that the two children could hear his voice on the other end of the phone "Your two kids are talking about bombing this place. Do you think I should help or not? "

Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly and he stopped eating.

After a moment of silence, he said slowly, "tell them that I'll be waiting for them here! "

"Did you hear that? " Qing Yafeng turned his head and asked the two children on the other end of the phone with a smile.

The baby and Noah did not expect Luo Xichen to be so straightforward. They looked at each other, their big eyes darting back and forth as they thought the same thing.

He's so easy to talk to. Is he up to something?

Not only the two children, even Qing Yafeng thought that Luo Xichen's words were either out of his mind, spoiling the children so much that they were out of control, or he was up to no good.

However, Qing Yafeng was still on his side.

"Be good at home. Uncle will come to pick you up later, " Qing Yafeng said to the two children on the phone. He left the castle after the call and drove to pick them up.

In fact, Luo Xichen lived not far from the castle. They were both close to the sea. They would arrive very soon if they drove straight along a road by the sea.

Qing Yafeng even suspected that Luo Xichen had chosen his address on purpose.

It was convenient to see the number of people in such a short distance, wasn't it?

When they arrived at the gate of the castle more than ten minutes away, the baby and Noah were already waiting outside the gate... ...