Chapter 1025: Let go of my sister

Both of the children wanted to go to Luo Xichen's place with Sha Zhixing on their backs. Before they came out, they made up an excuse with Sha Zhixing, saying that they wanted to play with Qing Yafeng.

Sha Zhixing wanted to send him out on her own, but was rejected by the two children. She only requested to bring a few bodyguards with her.

After Qing Yafeng arrived, even the bodyguards were sent back.

"UNCLE! " He called out sweetly. Noah and the baby opened the door of the backseat on both sides and got into the car.

The two children leaned on the back of the chairs and leaned their heads towards him. They surrounded him from left and right. "were you at the big bad guy's place just now? "

Big Bad guy?

Qing Yafeng chewed on their words with a smile. He seemed to appreciate the new nickname they gave Luo Xichen.

"Yes. " He nodded slightly. He looked at the baby on the left and then at Noah on the right. He asked with a smile, "have you thought about how to deal with the big bad guy later? "

"I have this! " Noah raised a small bomb in his hand and smiled proudly.

This was taken out by absolute night. Absolute night did not have many other things, but he had a lot of money and all kinds of destructive things.

Qing Yafeng was embarrassed.

Baby, the person you are going to meet later is your biological father!

Using absolute night's things to go against him, is there such a "scam" ?

Qing Yafeng was silent for a long while, then asked, "do you know how to use it? "

Noah had spent more than half of the past four years with him. He did not remember that he had taught this kid how to use a bomb.

"Don't you still have uncle Yafeng? " Noah smiled with a fawning expression.

Qing Yafeng,"..."

The corner of his lips twitched slightly, and he teased leisurely, "Little Brat, are you trying to incite me to turn against your daddy? "

"then you won't help us? " Noah's little face fell, and his expression seemed to be a little hurt.

Qing Yafeng was blocked by the two of them and fell silent again.

Could he say that he would not help?

If he did not help, would these two little brats hold a grudge against him as well?

"Forget it. I'll go find Uncle Nan you and Uncle Ken Nisi! " Noah snorted. He held the baby's hand with one hand and pushed open the car door with the other. He was about to get out of the car.

Ha, he was even trying to provoke him?

"Nan you and Uncle Ken Nisi are both on a date. I'm not free. " Qing Yafeng knew what the two kids were thinking, but he did not expose them.

No matter what, he had to send them to Luo Xichen first.

"sit tight. Uncle is driving. " Qing Yafeng turned his head and told the two of them. He drove slowly towards Luo Xichen's villa.

Luo Xichen was already waiting outside the door when they arrived.

The tall figure stood quietly in the night sky. His back was straight and his eyes were deep. There was a faint chill on his body.

The baby looked at him through the car window. After the car was stable, he opened the door and got out of the car. The little figure ran towards him.

Unlike the intimacy they had when they first met, her eyes were full of anger now. She was like an angry little lion. She raised her fist and was about to hit him when Luo Xichen suddenly bent down and picked her up.

"Let go of my sister! " Noah stepped out of the car and shouted at him fiercely.

He raised the "gift" that he had specially prepared for tonight and wanted to ask Qing Yafeng for help. However, Qing Yafeng smiled at him and said slowly, "this thing is too complicated. Let Daddy teach you! "

After saying that, he drove away... ...