Chapter 1035: stirring up trouble

Luo Xichen went downstairs with the two children and prepared some food for them. Then, he sat down at the dining table with them.

Xing Bao liked sweet food just like Sha Zhixing. Luo Xichen prepared Tiramisu for her. Noah did not like sweet food, so he chose to eat spaghetti instead.

The three of them sat side by side. Luo Xichen sat in the middle while the two children sat to the left and right. Xing Bao was eating happily while shaking her legs. Her big eyes kept rolling around.

The children were very young and their legs were very short. It was a funny scene when they were sitting on the stool.

Luo Xichen looked at her from time to time. The corner of his lips twitched. He took a tissue and tried to wipe the cream off her lips. However, Xing Bao grabbed his sleeve and leaned her face towards him She rubbed everything on his body.

Luo Xichen was a Germaphobe. However, Xing Bao had dirtied his clothes countless times since she came here tonight. Every time, she had done it openly.

But he had never cared about it.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been kicked out, even if they had dirtied his pants.

But now that he had met two children, everything was different... ...

Noah pulled the noodles from his plate a few times and looked over at Xing Bao, who was casually tasting the cake beside him.

Xing Bao and Noah looked at each other and exchanged a look. They seemed to be communicating something with each other.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at this and that, frowning slightly.

What are you up to again?

"Alright, let's go upstairs after we're full! " Noah suddenly grabbed his hand as he stood up and was about to take the two children upstairs.

He turned his head and looked at a lighter on the kitchen counter. He suddenly asked, "my sister and I want to play downstairs for a while before we go up. "

Luo Xichen was sure that the two children would not cause much trouble. He thought for a while and nodded.

Xing Bao and Noah started to play and chase each other in the huge living room as soon as they got his permission.

Luo Xichen Sat on the Sofa and stared at the two children. He smiled as he looked at their young faces.

Xing Bao and Noah played in front of him for a while and chased after each other. Then, they went to the kitchen. They did something and ran out very quickly. They ran very far away from the kitchen and looked back as they ran.

Luo Xichen felt that there was something strange in their eyes, but he did not pay much attention to it. As long as the siblings were not hurt, it was good enough for him.

The baby and Noah stood far away from the kitchen, holding hands. Their eyes were locked on the door of the kitchen, and they were counting in their hearts.

When they reached 20, there were suddenly a few "Bang Bang" sounds in the kitchen. A huge flame came out of the window, and thick smoke floated out.

The baby and Noah smiled and clapped their hands quietly, looking very pleased with themselves.

Luo Xichen's face stiffened for a few seconds, and his eyes suddenly turned to the two children.

Did these two kids do it?

The smile on the baby's face disappeared as he looked at Luo Xichen. His expression changed in a few seconds and he threw himself at Luo Xichen. He wrapped his arms around Luo Xichen's neck and hung himself on him like a Koala. His voice sounded a little pitiful "So scary! So scary... I'm scared... "

"I'M SCARED TOO! " Noah pretended to shout. He ran to Luo Xichen and hugged his thigh.

Luo Xichen,"..."

���� Digression

Today's update was over. Ten chapters. Enjoy reading. The second installment of the series will be published on Tuesday, October 28th