Chapter 1036: Troublemakers

The two children's expressions and movements were very similar. Their arms were tightly wrapped around Luo Xichen. It was as if they were really frightened.

If they had met an ordinary person, they would have believed it.

But who was Luo Xichen Their biological father!

Although they had not interacted with each other for the past four years, with his shrewdness, how could he not have noticed this?

The two children went in. When they came out, their expressions were obviously not right. They had been looking in the direction of the kitchen, and then the kitchen exploded. If it was not for the troublemakers, he did not believe that the house would spontaneously combust!

He clearly remembered that everything in the kitchen was closed after he helped Noah Cook. There was no possibility of an explosion, unless the two kids had tampered with the kitchen when they first went in.

The fire in the kitchen was still going on. The explosion was a series of explosions. There were a few sounds and thick smoke rushed into the dining room. The situation was a little serious.

"What happened? " Bei Yuan ran in from outside the villa, looking a little panicked.

There was a foreign man following behind him. He had been following Luo Xichen from time to time.

The baby and Noah looked up from Luo xichen's arms. They were surprised to see Bei Yuan.

Luo Xichen patted the two children on the back. He did not answer Bei Yuan immediately. Instead, he coaxed them gently, "it's okay. "

He was still very gentle. Although he knew that the two little demons were the ones who had scared the other person, he had to deal with the two children first.

"Okay. " The baby nodded gently in his arms. He turned his head and called Bei Yuan sweetly, "uncle Bei Yuan. "

The two children were familiar with him and they had met many times over the years. Bei Yuan liked the two of them very much.

He was a little happy when he heard Xing Bao's voice. He opened his arms to her and said, "little princess, why are you still up so late? "

Xing Bao broke free from Luo Xichen's arms and pulled Noah to his side. She ran into his arms and looked at Luo xichen leisurely. There was a hint of resentment in her voice as she said, "I Miss Mommy. "

The corners of Bei Yuan's lips twitched slightly. He was a little speechless at what she said.

When did the two children of the Luo family become so clingy?

"Uncle Bei Yuan! " Noah's big eyes rolled and suddenly said, "shall we go to your place to play? "

Bei Yuan was about to nod when Luo xichen's sharp eyes suddenly swept over him. He stared so hard that he was about to blurt out the words and swallowed them.

"Uh, baby, uncle has been walking around this villa recently and will come to see you every day. It's the same as in the past. " Bei Yuan cleared his throat and put it in a safe way.

The plan fell through. The baby and Noah's faces fell on the spot after he spoke.

Luo xichen glanced at the two of them and smiled.

He realized that he could read the two children very easily. The two of them had just started reading their minds and he could immediately guess what they were thinking without saying anything.

For example, he was sure that the two of them wanted to go to Bei yuan now. They must have wanted to return to Sha Zhixing's side after they left.

Luo xichen suddenly felt a little self-deprecating when he realized this problem.

The child had to think so much now to return to his mother's side. What kind of image did he have between the three of them?

After Bei Yuan and the foreign man arrived, they exchanged a few simple words with the two children before turning to the kitchen.

There was still thick smoke in the kitchen. After the explosion, the windows were shattered, and the stove and the floor of the room were a mess... ...