Chapter 1066 the family of three went into action

After Luo Rongci left the hall, he walked around the garden. The baby and Noah did not follow him. Instead, they played on a road outside the house.

This road was the one that Luo Rongci had to pass on his way back. There were bushes planted on both sides, and behind the bushes was a grassland.

The baby and Noah played around the bushes for a while, then turned to the grassland.

The two of them had been squatting on the ground, and no one knew what they were doing.

However, the child often squatted and played, so their actions did not attract too much attention from the rest of the family.

If one looked carefully at the things that baby and Noah were playing with, they would discover that they were actually the fuse.

Although the two children often played with these things during the night, when they returned to the Luo family, their image was that of obedient babies. In the eyes of the family, they were no different from normal children, even if they bumped into the things in their hands that were like the fuse.. The people of the Luo family most likely thought that they were seeing things.

As for baby and Noah, they did not let anyone see them directly. They cleverly used grass to cover the fuse, which made it even less suspicious.

The things they had placed in the bushes were also covered with branches. Everything was blocked, so even if someone passed by, they would not notice it.

After the baby and Noah had done all the preparations, they ran off to play elsewhere as if nothing had happened. When Luo Rongci returned from his walk, the two little ones ran towards them again.

They did not approach the bushes directly, but stood a little further away, and then lit the fuse that was lying in wait on the ground.

A series of creaking sounds could be heard.

It was very quiet. Luo Rongci was walking on the path between the bushes. He did not notice it at first, but when he noticed it, the fuse had already reached him.

He turned his head and looked at the source of the sound. Luo RONGCI's eyes darkened and he suddenly ran forward.

After running for a short distance, there was an explosion behind him. Luo Rongci jumped forward and when he turned his head, the bushes behind him were already burning.

The Commotion Was Very Loud. Hundreds of bodyguards from the Luo family, along with Luo Xichen and his men, ran out of the house.

Luo Xichen stood at the front and looked at the two children who were smiling sweetly at him. He looked at them for a while and did not find any signs of injury. His eyes fell on Luo rongci quietly.

"Rong Ci, are you okay? How did this happen? " Luo Yi went over to help him up and looked at him with concern.

"TAKE HIM TO SEE! " Wen Lan said nervously to the servants around her.

After that, the surroundings became chaotic.

Only Luo Xichen and the two children were the calmest.

He was the biological father of the two children. Luo Xichen could tell from the look in their eyes that they had something to do with this, but he did not say anything to blame them.

He walked towards the two little ones and half-bent down. "Who came up with this idea? " He asked straightforwardly

"Daddy! " The baby called out to him affectionately and hugged his thigh.

Noah hugged his other thigh with a smile.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and squatted down. He looked at the two kids and said seriously, "daddy doesn't blame you, but you chose the wrong place and the wrong amount of medicine. "

Then, he said slowly, "you'll have to work harder next time. "

The baby,"..."


���� Digression

Dear ones, the new book has been released. Book City Search, dangerous trial marriage: wealthy families pamper their wives at sky-high prices. Author: He Qing Xia, Ya Feng's series, is also 7th. However, the pen name is not 7th pity. Collect, collect, collect