Chapter 1067"education" of the Luo family

Luo xichen looked at the two of them and began to guide them. "You shouldn't choose a place so close to the hall. What if Mommy, grandma, or GRANDPA happens to come out later? "

"The dosage isn't right either. It's too wide-ranging. " Luo Xichen was quite serious in his teaching. He rubbed Noah's head and said Lazily, "who taught you all this? FAILURE IN EDUCATION! "

Noah and the baby were dumbfounded for a long time after his words. They looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

The two children did not want to make a big deal out of it. Luo Xichen did not like Luo Rongci, and so did the two of them. They just wanted to mess with him. They did not expect that the situation would get worse.

The two of them looked at Luo Rongci as he lay on the ground. They thought that Luo xichen would teach them a lesson. They did not expect that Luo rongci would teach them a lesson. However, the content of the lesson was not what they had imagined.

He sounded as if he was encouraging them to do bad things.

"Daddy, don't you like Uncle Rongci? " The baby asked innocently as he nestled in his arms.

She and Noah had just been speculating. However, Luo Xichen did not blame them at all. This made the baby even more sure of his speculation.

"This is between adults. Don't ask so many questions. " Luo xichen pinched her cheeks and carried her into the house.

Noah followed them into the house.

Luo RONGCI was injured. A group of bodyguards from the Luo family escorted him to the doctor. Luo Enqi and Luo Yi went as well. Sha Zhixing was the only one in the house.

Sha Zhixing stood in the middle of the living room. She glanced at the two children, her eyes interrogating them.

She had been with her son and daughter for four years. She knew very well how the two children played. She had recorded how many times the two children had played with explosives in jue Ye. It was not difficult to guess that they were the culprits.

"Baby, go play with your toys next to your brother. " Luo Xichen looked at her as if she was interrogating him. The corner of his lips twitched slightly, and he pushed the baby to the SOFA next to him.

His actions were obviously protective, and he did not even give Sha Zhixing a chance to question her.

"Let's go see Rong Ci! " Sha Zhixing suggested, not knowing Luo RONGCI's current condition.

Luo Xichen wanted to reject her outright, but he did not want Sha Zhixing to notice anything amiss, so he followed her.

When they arrived at the hospital, Luo Rongci was sitting in a consultation room with ordinary injuries. His hands and feet were only a little bruised, and nothing else. He just needed to apply some medicine.

The group of people were all in a false alarm.

Luo Xichen was standing not far away from him. His gaze fell on his injured leg quietly, his eyes deep.

Judging from the sound of the explosion caused by the baby and Noah, one could tell that the medicine had been used quite a lot. The Bushes on both sides of the road had been set on fire, and the power was not that great.

However, under such circumstances, his injuries were only minor. Was it because he had run too fast to avoid the explosion, or was it because he had been far away from the baby when Noah's device exploded?

Luo Xichen was the first to rush out when it happened. However, when he arrived, he saw Luo rongci lying on the ground. It was obvious that he did not have enough time to run to a safe distance after the explosion.

This meant that his second guess was not correct. Luo Rongci was nearby at the time of the explosion.

He was close, but he had the ability to run away. The extent of his injury was obviously reduced. What did this mean?

His leg had recovered?