Chapter 1068, he is back

Luo Xichen looked at him quietly, his eyes dark.

In the room, the people of the Luo family gathered around him and kept asking him about his condition, especially Luo Yi. He could not hide the worry on his face. "Rong Ci, do you want to do more tests? What if you hurt your bones or legs? "

Luo Xichen's eyes turned to look at Luo RONGCI's legs again.

His grandfather did not know that his leg had recovered?

How deep did he hide it?

"Yeah, check it more often! " Luo Xichen's thin lips curled up as he echoed Luo Yi's words.

This was the first thing Luo Rongci said after he entered the room. Luo RONGCI's lowered gaze suddenly turned to look at Luo Xichen's face.

"Let me take a look at it for you. " Luo Xichen walked to Luo Xichen's side as if nothing had happened. He squatted down beside Luo Xichen and reached out his hand towards Luo Xichen's injured leg. He wanted to test Luo Xichen, but Luo Rongci put down his trouser leg calmly.

"It's okay. I wasn't close to him just now and didn't get hurt. Xichen just came back. Everyone, go back! " Luo Rongci stood up expressionlessly and turned to Luo Yi. He helped Luo Xichen out of the room slowly.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at him, smiling mockingly.

How much mental strength did he need to be able to act so nonchalantly after what he had done to Luo Xichen?

Luo Xichen even felt that he had underestimated Luo Xichen's ability to disguise himself.

Sha Zhixing stood beside him and looked at Luo RONGCI's back. She then looked at Luo Xichen and frowned suspiciously.

Why did it feel like there was something different between Luo Xichen and Rong Ci after he came back?

"Let's go home! " Luo Xichen's expression softened under her confused gaze. He put his long arm on her shoulder lazily and walked towards the hospital with her in his arms.

That night, Wen lan called Sha Nanfeng and his wife over. The whole family had a good meal together.

During the meal, Luo Xichen's gaze swept across the faces of the people in the seats. Suddenly, he said, "Zhixing has been away for so long. In order to reduce her workload, I will take over Rong Xi from tomorrow onwards! "

Luo Yi had already appointed him as the heir. Naturally, he did not have any objections to what he said. Rong Xi was his and should be handed over to him.

Luo RONGCI's legs were inconvenient and it was not suitable for him to go on business trips. Luo Enqi and his wife would not have any objections even if Luo Xichen took over. They were even happy and relaxed.

Only Luo RONGCI's expression changed slightly when he heard that.

Was He prepared to fight him openly?

Luo Xichen did not say much and stayed at the Luo family home that night.

The next morning, he went to the company with Sha Zhixing early in the morning.

Just like when he returned home, the moment he appeared in Rong Xi's building, he immediately caused a sensation.

When they entered the hall, he Simu's sports car happened to be parked by the roadside.

Hearing the commotion, She looked to the side and saw the backs of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing.

Her Gaze was fixed on the familiar figure of Luo Xichen. He simu looked at the figure in a daze, and her heart swelled like a balloon.

He's back!

Nothing happened to him!

Without noticing he simu behind him, Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing walked forward side by side. They came to the elevator door and went straight upstairs.

He simu looked at his back quietly and waves of emotions rose in her heart.

She had thought that he was gone, but not only was he still there, but he had come back in one piece. He simu's eyes began to tear up bit by bit... ...