Chapter 10695203 The story behind admiration

He Simu was a little absent-minded today. When she returned to the office, Luo Xichen's figure was all she could think of.

She Sat on the Sofa in her office, her eyes fixed on a yellowed painting in her hand. He simu looked at the person on it quietly, her vision a little blurry.

There were three people in the painting: Two girls and a boy.

One of the girls was standing with the boy, while the other was watching from afar.

Sha Zhixing had accidentally seen this painting when she was rummaging through her drawers. It was painted by he simu when she was in her teens. There were three people in the painting, one was her, one was he Qianqian, and the other was... ... Luo Xichen ! !

She had met Luo Xichen when she was in middle school. She was one year younger than him and one grade younger.

He Qianqian was in the same class as him. Both of them were handsome men and beautiful women. They had always been regarded as the perfect couple by their classmates at school.

He Qianqian also liked Luo Xichen and would often pester him to go in and out with him. This made the rumors about the two of them even crazier.

During that time, he qianqian would come home almost every night and talk about Luo Xichen in he SIMU's ear. When they switched seats in class today, she and Luo Xichen switched seats together. They had lunch together at noon They went home together at night, and so on and so forth.

When he simu was in middle school, the name that she heard the most was Luo Xichen!

Luo Xichen was the dream of all the girls in school, and it had always been her dream. However, there had always been a he Qianqian between them at that time.

Every time he Qianqian and Luo Xichen walked together, he simu could only watch from afar. At that time, she, who had always been pampered by her family, felt that she was Cinderella for the first time.

Her admiration for him had started when she was in middle school. She had once tried to confess to him, but there was he Qianqian at that time. Later, the two sisters were sent abroad by their families. The two of them had never seen each other again until that time in Northern Ireland.

The story of the 5203 admiration series was the story between her and him, and it was her most genuine feelings. He Simu had started to think about the draft a long time ago. She had gone through many revisions and put all of her feelings into it. In the end, she had succeeded It implied how deep her feelings were!

The incident four years ago had happened too suddenly. She did not even have the time to tell him about it before something happened to him. This adoration ended without a hitch.

He simu quietly looked at the painting in her hand. Her fingers tightened the painting bit by bit... ...

"director he, Young Master Luo has urgently called for a high-level meeting. " The Voice of her personal assistant came from outside the door.

"okay, I'll go right away. " He Simu came back to her senses after her words. She hurriedly put away the painting in her hand, calmed her expression, and answered her.

The man left after that.

He simu took out a makeup mirror and tidied up her makeup. She got up and walked towards the meeting room.

When she arrived, there were already a few people sitting in the meeting room. Luo Xichen was there, and Sha Zhixing was not there for some reason.

He simu looked at him quietly. The emotions that she had just suppressed suddenly swelled up again.

Luo Xichen turned his head when he felt the gaze on him. He looked at her and said slowly, "long time no see. "

"Long time no see, " said he Simu, his voice low and hoarse as usual. It had been four years since she had heard his voice. He simu's heart skipped a beat as if something had tugged at it.