Chapter 1070, fight for me once

Luo Xichen observed her reaction and frowned when he saw that she looked like she was about to cry.

He simu had never been like this in front of him. She always gave him the impression that she was a shrewd and strong woman. Even when she was tortured so miserably on the island last time, she did not say anything.

What happened today?

"Director He, do you have something to say to me? " Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and asked faintly.

He Simu came back to her senses and looked away. She wanted to shake her head out of reflex.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and looked away from her.

Luo Rongci sat beside he simu and watched her reaction with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Alright, let's begin! " Luo Xichen pushed away the folder in his hand, stood up, and started to speak "I've gathered everyone here today to tell you that I'm back. Rong Xi has worked hard for the past four years. From today onwards, all the powers will be distributed according to the original distribution! "

There was a round of applause. It was both a welcome and an acknowledgement of his return.

Luo Xichen said a lot of things after that. After the meeting, he turned around and left.

He simu wanted to leave too. Luo RONGCI's voice suddenly sounded behind her. "Why don't you fight for yourself? "

He Simu was stunned by his sudden words. Her back stiffened.

"If you like it, then go ahead and love it. That's your style, isn't it? " Luo Rongci stood up and tidied up the wrinkles on his clothes. He walked past her and headed straight for the door.

He simu stood there quietly. She was shocked as she watched him leave.

He could tell!

When Luo Xichen returned to his office, Sha Zhixing and the two children were there.

The baby and Noah were sent over by Wen Lan. The two children could not sit still at home and sent a teacher to teach them. However, the teacher was despised by Noah. He said that he could not be compared to uncle Yafeng, uncle Nanyou, uncle Qino, and so on.

Then, he fired the teacher himself.

Wen Lan had always spoiled her grandchildren. She would believe whatever the two children said, even though she doubted whether the uncles he mentioned taught people.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen had just arrived at the office when the baby and Noah arrived. She was afraid that the two of them would cause trouble, so she stayed behind to monitor them and did not go to the meeting.

When Luo Xichen came in, the baby and Noah were sitting cross-legged beside Sha Zhixing. They were playing with a toy that normal people could not understand.

This was their secret weapon. It was produced by absolute night and designed by Qing Yafeng. It looked like a gun, but it was not a real gun. Instead of a bullet, it was a round particle.

The lethality of this thing was different from that of a bullet. It would not be as penetrating as a real bullet. Their "bullets" would only cause small explosions.

Wherever they shot, they would explode.

It was a very advanced thing. As long as they did not shoot themselves, they could ensure that they would not be hurt.

The baby and Noah liked this gun that was exclusive to them. After playing with it for a while, Noah suddenly pulled the baby down from the SOFA.

"sister, LET'S TRY IT OUT! " With one hand holding the baby's hand, Noah led her out.


Dear ones, Yafeng's article had been published. Dangerous trial marriage: RICH FAMILY PAMPERS WIFE AT SKY-HIGH PRICE. The author's name is "He Qing Xia" . Qiqi's new book. Please collect, please comment, please pamper. It's absolutely wonderful

Part of the introduction: He pinched her Chin and said in a frivolous tone, "top quality! " "SCUMBAG! " Her cheeks were red as she gritted her teeth and scolded. When she met Qing Yafeng, Tong Xiyao's image had been shattered over the past few days. Ye Qian had taken over her boss's room, kissed her boss forcefully, and forced himself on her... ...