Chapter 1072: stay away from him

After she finished her sentence, she began to recount the situation vividly "When my brother and I were playing, this place was empty. There was no one here. Halfway through the game, Uncle Rong Ci suddenly appeared. We didn't know that he would come over, and we didn't hear any footsteps. "

She tried to distance herself from the matter. She turned her head and walked to Luo RONGCI's side in a few steps. She raised her small face and smiled sweetly at him. Her voice was childish "Uncle Rongci is so nice. He won't mind our mistake, right? "

Luo RONGCI's face was still bleeding.

Sha Zhixing was about to say something when Luo Xichen's voice sounded behind them. "We are family. Uncle Rongci will not lower himself to your level. "

"Daddy! " The baby was emboldened when he heard Luo Xichen's voice. It was as if he had found someone to back him up. He called out sweetly and ran towards Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen caught her and bent down to pick her up. He looked at Luo rongci coldly.

The situation was a little awkward.

Soon, Luo Yi and Luo Enqi came down as well.

They came over in confusion when they saw that they were all here.

The two children were very favored in this family. Everyone was indulgent and unruly. Everyone was the savior of the baby and Noah.

Noah and the baby looked at each other and smiled proudly when they saw that there were two more children.

Luo Yi asked about the situation. Although he felt sorry for Luo Rongci's injury, he did not see the explosion and did not know that the situation was very serious. Besides, it was the two great-grandsons who caused the disaster, so it did not matter.

"Alright, it's normal for children to play around. The baby and Noah are still young, and they did not do it on purpose. Rong Ci won't mind, " Luo Yi said as the head of the family. He dismissed the group of people around him.

Luo xichen carried the baby and walked towards his office. He glanced at Luo Rongci from the corner of his eye and saw his expressionless face. He could not help but tighten his arms around the baby.

He was very protective of the two children in front of others, and he protected them openly.

He had always been supportive of the two little demons playing tricks on him, as long as they did not hurt him.

However, looking at Luo Xichen's expression, Luo Xichen suddenly began to think about whether he had put too much trust in the two children?

After entering the office, he put the two of them on his SOFA and squatted down in front of the two children. Luo Xichen's gaze was parallel to the two children's eyes, and his expression suddenly turned serious. "Baby, stay away from Uncle Rongci from now on. "

Sha Zhixing, who was next to him, was stunned by his words. She turned her head suddenly and looked at him in surprise.

Why did he say that?

The baby and Noah did not know as much as the adults, but they could tell the subtle relationship between Luo Xichen and Luo Rongci from the way Luo Xichen looked at them and reminded them seriously.

"Did you hear that? " Luo xichen pinched the faces of the two children when he saw that they did not respond.

The baby and Noah came back to their senses and nodded at him in confusion.

"Be Good. Let Grandma take you upstairs to play. " Luo Xichen was satisfied. He called Wen Lan, who happened to be in the office today, and sent the two children away openly.

He had a lot of things to do after returning to Rong Xi. He got busy as soon as the two of them left.

The senior management of the company all had a job handover with him today. It was almost noon when he simu came in.