Chapter 1073: We didn't see anything

He simu pushed open the door and looked at the man sitting in the French leather chair. She walked towards him slowly.

Luo RONGCI's words suddenly came to her mind.

She had never been a person who would not work hard for herself. It was the same for Luo Xichen. She just walked very slowly and steadily. She did not use underhanded methods to trap a man like most women.

She had never thought of trapping him. What she wanted was for him to have a good impression of her first. That way, she would have a greater chance of winning if she bullied Sha Zhixing.

However, after what had happened four years ago, he simu had reflected on her plan for a long time today. was she wrong to do this?

The world was unpredictable. She might even panic that something like this would happen a second time. Before she could let him see her heart clearly, he would suddenly disappear again like the last time.

Luo Xichen was facing her from the side, but even so, he could clearly feel her gaze.

He turned his head and looked at her. "What's wrong? " He asked calmly

"Xichen... " he simu opened her mouth, wanting to say something. However, when she remembered that it was work time, she held back her impulse.

After a moment of contemplation, she turned her gaze. "today is my father's birthday. The family has held a birthday party and invited a lot of people. Shall we go together? "

The he family was a very prestigious family. The rich did not need friendship to connect with each other. Power and status were the best communication bridges. Even if they were not familiar with each other, as long as the other party had something useful for them, they would visit.

This was the upper-class circle.

He simu's invitation was not surprising.

Luo Xichen was silent for a moment after she spoke. He simu thought that he would refuse, but he nodded gently.

He simu smiled and walked to him with the documents in her arms. "Let's settle the work first. "

Luo Xichen nodded and turned his head. His eyes fell on the documents that she had brought in.

It was a busy day. After work, Sha Zhixing came to the office with the two children to wait for him. She wanted to go back with him, but Luo Xichen refused.

"Zhixing, I have an appointment tonight. You can go back with the two children first! " Luo Xichen's voice was indifferent. He did not tell her where he was going.

"where are you going? " Sha Zhixing asked reflexively.

"Are you checking up on me? " Luo Xichen laughed and teased her.

Sha Zhixing grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted her face. The corners of her lips curved. "Can't I? "

"Sure, if you can't do it, who can? " Luo xichen smiled. He did not care that the two children were present. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms. He leaned over and kissed her lips.

"What are you doing? " Sha Zhixing glanced at Noah and the baby behind her. Her face turned red and she hit him on the shoulder.

"Mommy, we didn't see it. You can continue. " The baby and Noah raised their hands to cover their faces at the same time

Sha Zhixing was amused by the expressions of the two children. She reached out and pinched Noah's face.

Noah felt pain and pretended to cry out. He turned his head to the side.

The baby opened his fingers slightly and peeked at the two of them carefully. Then, he put his hands together calmly and turned his head to the side with Noah.

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with the performance of the two children. He pecked Sha Zhixing on the lips a few more times and let go of her lips. His handsome face leaned towards her and whispered into her ear with a smile, "don't go to bed too early tonight. Wait for me. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless