Chapter 1074: Meeting alone

He glanced at Sha Zhixing and smiled mischievously. Of course, Sha Zhixing understood what he meant.

"WE'LL GO BACK FIRST! " Sha Zhixing pretended not to understand what he said. She asked the two children to wave at him and led one of them to the elevator.

Luo Xichen watched the three of them disappear and smiled. He turned around and went downstairs after they left.

He did not tell Sha Zhixing where he was going. He just did not want her to misunderstand.

After going downstairs, Luo Xichen drove straight to the address provided by he simu.

When he arrived, he simu was already waiting outside the door.

She was very beautiful to begin with. She had dressed up after work that night. She only needed to dress up a little to make her look radiant.

"Xichen, you're here. " He simu stepped on her stilettos and came to the side of his car. He simu opened the car door for him.

Second Miss He came out to welcome him personally. Luo Xichen's weight had been shown to everyone since he had just appeared at the banquet.

"I'll take you to see Father First. " He simu wanted to introduce him to father he. After he got out of the car, she led him in the direction of father he.

In fact, he simu had invited Luo Xichen here tonight for another reason. She wanted him to get to know the he family better.

It would be beneficial for her if he knew more about it.

The upper-class circle could even be said to be a common situation in society. If a woman had a strong background, it would be beneficial for her to do many things, including love and marriage.

It was even more so in the world of the rich. How many family men and women did not love each other at all, but were married because of the interests of the family?

There were the best examples around her, such as... ... He Qianqian ! !

He Qianqian had married a few years ago. The family had arranged a marriage, and she had married Luo Xichen without even knowing him. It was only after she had married that he simu did not have any qualms about getting close to Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen had come here tonight for purely social events.

It was inevitable to have social events since he was in charge of a large company like Rong Xi's. He had been away from the upper-class circle for four years. With this appearance, he could use this opportunity to pull in Rong Xi's connections.

This was the reason why Luo Xichen had agreed to her visit.

Both of them were very shrewd and had their own schemes.

He simu brought him to papa he and introduced him to the other important people of the evening. It had been two hours since they had walked around the scene and chatted.

He simu served him at a small table in the corner. She helped them get two servings of food and poured a glass of wine for each of them. Then, she came to his side.

"How have you been all these years? " He simu asked slowly as she fiddled with the small spoon in her hand.

"Yes, " Luo Xichen replied without much expression on his face.

"You haven't been back for so many years. Did something happen? " He simu asked after a moment of contemplation.

Luo Xichen tightened his grip on the wine glass and his gaze suddenly sharpened.

He simu observed his reaction and frowned slightly.

She had guessed correctly?

"Xichen... " he simu opened her mouth and wanted to ask, but Luo Xichen interrupted her. "It's getting late. I should go back. "

He simu's expression changed slightly as she pressed his wrist in a panic.

Luo Xichen frowned and looked at her hand indifferently.