Chapter 1080: The baby's warning

It was a very dirty bucket of water, and it even smelled of ink. He simu's dress was custom-made by Chanel, and it was pure white. After this splash, it looked like a blooming flower, and big blobs were stained with ink Her hair was still dripping with water.

He SIMU's entire body froze.

She stood rooted to the ground for a long time, unable to regain her senses.

When the baby and Noah saw this scene not far away, they were so excited that they high-fived each other.

"We hit the Jackpot! "

Normally, the two little fellows would not expose themselves so directly when they did something bad. However, this time, they showed their excitement after their little trick had succeeded in front of he simu.

They wanted to let her know the consequences of SEDUCING THEIR DADDY!

He Simu was in a sorry state. She looked at her drenched body and her gaze turned stiffly to the two children not far away. Her face was a little twisted.

They did this?

The baby and Noah walked side by side towards her. When they came to her side, one of them raised his Chin gently with a proud expression while the other had a cold gaze and a disdainful expression.

"Why did you do that? " He simu heard her own voice that made her teeth tremble with anger.

Noah snorted lightly and his expression was obviously disdainful of answering her question.

The baby placed his hands on his small waist and raised his head arrogantly like a little princess. He warned fiercely, "this is what happens when you get close to my Daddy! "

After thinking for a moment, he added, "daddy only likes my mommy. Not just anyone can snatch her away. Daddy doesn't care about other women at all. If you're smarter, YOU'LL GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! "

He Simu was shocked. She stared blankly at her baby who was glaring at her with an angry face. She couldn't believe that these words came out of her mouth.

"Mommy taught you all this? "

"THAT'S NOT TRUE! My Mommy is beautiful and magnanimous. She would never encourage her child to do these things behind her back! " When the baby heard that she was blaming Sha Zhixing, he looked unhappy and the mockery in his tone became even more obvious.

He simu closed her eyes and stared at the two of them for a long time. The anger in her eyes was undisguised, but in the end, she didn't do anything.

This was Rong Xi. There were so many people here, and they were just like children. On the other hand, she was not.

"Aren't you going to change your clothes? " Noah pointed at her dress and reminded her.

He Simu glared at him, her hands clenched into fists. She turned around and went into the interior of the design department.

"brother, let's go take a look! " The baby held Noah's hand. As soon as she left, the two of them immediately followed behind.

The two of them had discussed for a long time last night. Initially, they wanted to trick her into getting hurt or something like that. However, the pain was only temporary. Noah felt that it was not satisfying enough.

Today's prank was different. In the company, she was in such a sorry state. This undoubtedly destroyed her image in front of everyone.

For a person with a high status, this kind of prank was undoubtedly better. It was a blow to the status that she had painstakingly built up.

This was the consequence of seducing their father!

When he simu entered the design department, there were many people in the large office. When they saw her in a sorry state, everyone was shocked.

"director he, what's going on? " The assistant rushed over. She wanted to be concerned about her situation, but he simu waved her hand away.

"Help me prepare a clean set of clothes. " Without saying anything, she walked straight to her office.

The baby and Noah lay outside the design department's main door. Their gazes drifted toward her inside. Seeing her face that was as dark as the bottom of a pot, they clapped happily. The brother and sister hugged each other.