Chapter 1081 dealt with

The two little guys happily ran over to Sha Zhixing's place after the incident in the design department.

When they arrived, Sha Zhixing was not very busy.

The baby held onto Noah's hand and ran over. Like a little sparrow, he excitedly reported what had just happened to her.

"Mommy, did you know? that he simu was splashed with dirty water just now! Her entire body was drenched, and so was her hair. HOW PITIFUL! "

The baby was very happy. When he spoke, he danced and seemed to be in a great mood. He even automatically avoided the fact that the main culprit was him and Noah.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a moment. She looked sideways at Sha Zhixing and stared at her excited little face. She frowned and asked, "He Simu? "

"Yes, HE SIMU! " The baby squeezed into Sha Zhixing's arms and squeezed into a chair with her.

Sha Zhixing looked at her and then at Noah. She was silent for a moment before she suddenly asked, "did you make this? "

"Ha... Haha... " the baby pretended to smile foolishly and turned his eyes to the side ...

"sister, what is daddy doing now? " Noah directly filtered her words. He took the baby in her arms and dragged the baby to Luo Xichen's office.

When they reached the door, he turned his head and smiled at Sha Zhixing. "Mommy, we'RE GOING TO DADDY'S PLACE! "

After saying that, he turned his head and left.

Sha Zhixing sat in the room and slowly reflected on the baby's words. There was no joy on her face like the two of them.

Why did she provoke he simu?

Although she did not find any evidence of the drugging last time, Sha Zhixing could feel that he simu was definitely not simple!

He simu sat in her room. She had changed her clothes and her hair had been wiped. However, the office was not that convenient and she could not wash it.

Her eyes were fixed on the document in her hand. When she thought of what the baby had just said, her eyes darkened... ...

The baby and Noah had been in the office for the whole day. After playing around here and there, Sha Zhixing arranged for them to go to Shi Qinuo's office to study.

Shi Qinuo was the most idle person in Rong Xi. The two children listened to him very much and it was very good for him to teach the children.

The three of them stayed in the Office for most of the afternoon. Shi Qinuo was worried that the two children would be hungry, so he brought the two of them to the Western restaurant on the top floor for afternoon tea.

When they went up, he simu and her assistant were also there.

The baby and Noah glanced at her and snorted. They turned their heads and found a table to sit at.

Shi Qinuo was in charge of ordering something. While they were waiting, the two children ran away.

The baby and Noah felt at home in Rong Xi. They were free wherever they went. The little figures chased each other around the open-air restaurant on the top floor. Their voices were very cheerful.

He simu sat in the corner, her eyes fixed on the two of them. She thought of what had happened this morning, and her eyes turned cold.

The two children were the only ties between Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing. What if they were no longer around?

She did not notice their gazes. The baby and Noah were still chasing after each other. When they passed by he Simu, they accidentally bumped into her table. The coffee in front of he simu was spilled on her lap.

The boiling hot coffee poured on her skin, and her already cold face turned black.

"sorry, we didn't mean to. " The two little guys were very polite in front of so many people, and this time, they really did not mean to.

After saying that, they held hands and walked away.

He simu turned her head and her gaze fell on the backs of the two kids. Her eyes darkened and darkened... ...