Chapter 1090 Banished Rong Xi

One sentence exploded in he SIMU's mind.

"Sha Zhixing, is this what you want? " He simu shouted at her in a hoarse voice as she ran towards her. This was also the first time she had revealed her emotions in front of so many people.

"Miss He, what are you saying? What do I want? To make my company lose so much money? " Sha Zhixing's lips curved into a mocking smile as she mocked without holding back.

"If I didn't do anything, why would there be so much evidence pointing at you? Are you being framed? Framing depends on what I've done before. Why didn't anyone frame me but you? " She paused She suddenly changed her tone. "What has miss he done? "

He simu stared at her, her hands clenched into fists.

Luo xichen watched the scene expressionlessly. His tightly pursed lips twitched. "LEAVE! "

"Xichen... " He simu looked at him in disbelief. She could not believe what she had heard. She wanted to continue explaining, but Luo Xichen closed his eyes. It was obvious that he did not want to hear it.

He SIMU's heart turned cold under his gaze. She looked at the pairs of reproachful eyes on her face and suddenly turned to Sha Zhixing.

Only the three of them had seen her design. She had never done this before, and Luo xichen would not have done it. The only possibility was that it was her!

Sha Zhixing wanted to kick her out of Rong Xi's House and frame her on purpose, right?

He simu had many guesses in her heart, but there was no evidence at all.

She was feeling very much like when Sha Zhixing had been kicked out by her in front of Rong Xi. The situation now was even worse than that time.

Last time, Sha Zhixing's dream had only been shattered, but this time, all her image and reputation had been destroyed. All of them looked at her with reproach and disapproval. Perhaps after such a big incident.. She would have to be looked at differently in the future.

This time, she had been completely destroyed... ...

"Go, why aren't you leaving? " A staff member's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Yes, the crime of trade secrets is not a small crime. If it were me, how would I have the face to continue staying here? " Another staff member echoed.

"Let's go. If such a person stays in Rong Xi, something will happen sooner or later! " Another staff member echoed.

The surrounding voices of condemnation and abuse grew more and more intense.

He simu had always lived a high and mighty life. When had she ever been treated like this?

She lowered her head and glared at Sha Zhixing. Amid the curses, he simu pushed the crowd away and ran towards the elevator.

Sha Zhixing looked at her back coldly and turned to leave for her office.

Luo Xichen followed her into the house and walked slowly to her.

Sha Zhixing stood in front of the French window, her eyes focused on the bustling street scene downstairs. There was not a hint of joy on her face.

She would not have attacked him if he had not attacked her. If it had not been for the incident with the baby and Noah, she might not have been so ruthless. However, such a thing had happened. She could not tolerate any hidden dangers that threatened the safety of the child!

He simu had attacked her first. She had only used the other party's method to retaliate against her!

"Xichen, will you blame me? " Sha Zhixing asked as she turned her head and looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

She might be able to hide this incident from most of the people in the company, but she knew that Luo Xichen knew everything.

Luo Xichen smiled and said, "your way of handling things is more gentle than mine. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless