Let's Meet in Chapter 1091

He Simu Left Rong Xi under Sha Zhixing's cunning plan.

After she returned, she rushed straight to he's father's study.

When she entered, he was sorting out the bills.

"YOU'RE BACK! " Seeing her, he simu greeted.

"Dad, have you received a nine-figure remittance recently? " He simu walked towards him step by step, her voice cold and clear.

"How do you know about this? " He Simu was stunned, turning his head to look at her.

"Why didn't you tell me about this? " He simu shouted at him in a hoarse voice, her voice tinged with tears.

"What's going on? Haven't you never asked about the company? " Father he was puzzled.

He had only received this sum of money two days ago. He was also puzzled that someone had suddenly transferred the money. He was still trying to figure out what was going on.

He simu pushed him aside and turned to leave the house.

"Simu, what happened? " Father he asked with concern from behind.

He simu ignored him and drove straight to the bank.

One bank after another was investigated. Using the connections in the bank, she got people to print out the transaction lists of the few bank cards that father he often used for the past two days.

He found the nine-figure sum, checked the name of the sender, and went straight to Lasting.

He wanted to find out more about this matter, but the other party's answer was that the design was negotiated with a man in the suburbs. The Brim of the man's hat was very low, and his face was not clear. He only asked for the money to be transferred to father he's account.

There were no cameras in the suburbs. It was almost impossible to find out the identity of the man.

He Simu's trail was cut short... ...

Sha Zhixing went home with Luo Xichen after work.

The baby and Noah were at home today. Wen Lan came to take care of them for the whole day. When they came back, dinner was already prepared for them.

When they saw Sha Zhixing and Luo xichen coming back, the two children ran towards them.


"Daddy! "

Sha Zhixing kissed the two children on the cheeks, turned her head and greeted Wen Lan. "MOMMY! "

Wen Lan nodded and told her about the funny things that happened between the baby and Noah. She was so happy that she could not close her mouth.

"Mom, let's have dinner together! " Sha Zhixing smiled and asked her to stay. She led them to the dining room.

The family sat down at the dining table and was about to eat when Luo Xichen's cell phone suddenly rang.

Sha Zhixing and the two children looked at him at the same time.

Luo Xichen took out his cell phone and glanced at it. He saw the name on it and frowned. He seemed to be hesitating.

"Who called? " Sha Zhixing asked tentatively when she saw the look on his face.

"A client. " Luo Xichen looked up and smiled.

He stared at the name on the phone screen and thought for a while before answering the call.

"Xichen, I have something to tell you. Shall we meet tonight? " He simu's voice came from the other end of the phone. She sounded anxious as if she was afraid that he would hang up at any moment.

Luo Xichen thought about the purpose of her call and was silent for a few seconds. Then, he said coldly, "okay! "

Then, he hung up the phone.

"Are you going out? " Sha Zhixing asked tentatively.

"Yes, I'm going out for a while. You guys eat first. Don't wait for me! " Luo Xichen walked over to them, kissed the two children on the side of their faces, and turned to leave the house.

Just as he was about to reach the door, the baby's voice suddenly rang, "Daddy, you can't drive after drinking! "