Chapter 1112 the gang does not help outsiders

The baby and Noah had come out of nowhere and stood not far away from the two of them. They watched the scene quietly and clenched their fists tightly at the same time.

Although the two children were young, they had always been very protective of their own family. Now that Luo Xichen had finally returned, the siblings would not allow anyone to destroy their family!

The siblings looked at each other, clenched their fists and left angrily.

Sha Zhixing let Luo Xichen carry her as she pondered what she should do next.

She had no idea why the two brothers had become like this, but she would never help anyone. No matter what Luo Rongci had done, she would stand by Luo Xichen!

The next day was a working day. Luo Xichen had to go to Rong Xi as usual. Sha Zhixing had a contract to sign with a client in the morning. The venue was outside, so she did not go with Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen left first.

Sha Zhixing got into the car at 10 o'clock. Just as she was about to leave, the baby and Noah suddenly squeezed in front of her car. "Mommy, let's go together! "

Sha Zhixing,"..."

The two children giggled. Without waiting for her to agree, they opened the car door on both sides and climbed into the car on their own.

Sha Zhixing thought that she would have to go sign the contract later, so it was not that convenient to bring the children along. She turned her head and glanced at the two of them, then tried to discuss "Baby, Mommy won't go directly to the company later. She has to talk to an aunt outside. In a few minutes, grandma and grandma will arrive. You guys go in and play with the servants for a while, okay? "

She had never scolded the two children. The children respected her, and she also respected the children's opinions. If there was anything, she would not put on the airs of a mother, but talk to the two children properly.

Noah and the baby heard her gentle voice, and they almost did not nod in agreement on the spot.

However, when they thought of Luo Rongci, they shook their heads resolutely.

"Mommy, let us go together. We will be obedient, and we will definitely not cause trouble! " The baby and Noah looked at her with pleading eyes.

Sha Zhixing looked at the time on her phone. It was almost time for the appointment. She didn't have the time to continue struggling with the two children. She made a call and asked her assistant to wait outside the restaurant she had designated for more than ten minutes before starting the car.

The car of a family of three stopped outside a very stylish Western restaurant in the city after more than ten minutes of driving.

When they arrived, the assistant was already waiting outside.

Sha Zhixing got out of the car first, closed the car door, and went to the back seat where the two children were.

"Noah, baby, Mommy will go in for half an hour first. You guys wait outside. During this period of time, Auntie will be with you. After Mommy's work is done, I'll take you to daddy's place. Be Good. " She opened the car door Sha Zhixing hugged the two children and kissed them on the forehead. She smiled and waved at them.

"Mommy, don't worry. The baby and I will be very good. " Noah kissed her back and promised her seriously.

The two children were well-educated. They would not even run around outside. Sha Zhixing was more at ease. She carried the documents and went in.

The assistant got into the car and sat with the two children.

On the opposite road, a car passed by. After driving for a while, it suddenly turned back.

She looked through the clean restaurant glass at Sha Zhixing and then at the car where the two children were. He Simu's hand that was holding the steering wheel tightened