Chapter 1113: Madness

She thought of Luo Xichen's ruthlessness last time and looked at the two children playing in the car. A cold glint flashed across her eyes. She stepped on the accelerator and drove the car forward for some distance Suddenly, she turned her head and turned towards the road where the two children's car was.

Outside the Western restaurant, the assistant was sitting in the driver's seat while the two children were playing in the back seat.

The baby and Noah were playing together with a game console while Noah was teaching the baby.

Behind them, the car that he simu was in continued to fly towards them. Her eyes were locked on the two children in front of her. The image of Luo xichen leaving the restaurant kept flashing in her mind And the scene of her being pointed at by everyone when she left Rong Xi.

When she thought of this, her eyes suddenly turned red.

The baby and Noah were still playing in the car.

Noah's senses were very sharp, probably due to inheritance and later training. When he SIMU's car was a few meters away from them, he suddenly turned his head.

Seeing that she was flying towards him, Noah's hand slammed against the car door. Before the car was hit, he pulled the baby and jumped off the side of the road


Two small figures rolled around on the road and crashed into a tree next to them. They stopped.

At the same time, a "Bang" sound rang in his ear. The car that they were in was hit by he SIMU's car. It made a loud sound and almost flipped over.

Sha Zhixing, who was accompanying her customer in the restaurant, went blank for a few seconds. She suddenly turned her head.

When she saw what was happening, she sprinted towards the door.

The baby and Noah were also shocked by the intense collision. The brother and sister hugged each other tightly.

He simu did not expect the reaction speed of the two children to be so fast. The collision did not succeed. Her gaze suddenly turned towards the direction of the baby and Noah. She turned the car around and suddenly rushed towards them.

Noah and the baby's expressions changed. When her car flew over, they held hands and took big steps back to avoid it.

He simu closed in on them step by step, turning the car around and continuing the collision.

When the two children saw that the situation was not right, they wanted to turn around and run into the restaurant, but they bumped into a figure.

Raising their heads and seeing who it was, the baby and Noah spread their arms and hugged Sha Zhixing together. "MOMMY! "

The child's voice was very young and there was some panic in it. The two children had never been like this before. This was the first time.

Sha Zhixing held one of the children's hands and pulled the two of them back into the restaurant.

After that, the restaurant staff rushed out together to protect the few of them.

He simu saw that the situation was not right and glared coldly at the people in the room. She drove away quickly.

Sha Zhixing glanced at her in the car and her gaze darkened. She squatted down to check on the two children's injuries. "Let Mommy take a look. Are you hurt anywhere? "

"Mommy, that woman is so scary! " The baby threw himself into her arms and said with a pitiful voice.

"Don't be afraid. Everything is fine now. It was mommy's negligence that caused today's incident. Mommy will never leave your sight in the future! " Sha Zhixing held the child in each hand and coaxed gently.

The baby and Noah had only been injured a few times since they were young. It had only happened recently, and every time, it was related to he simu.

"Mommy, is that woman crazy? " Noah thought for a moment and suddenly raised his head to ask.

Sha Zhixing,"..."

"Mommy, such a bad person should be caught! " The baby waved his little fists and gritted his teeth.

"Mommy will get daddy to take care of this. " Sha Zhixing gently rubbed her head and led the two children to the car.

The car was badly damaged. The assistant sitting in front was unconscious and his injuries were not clear.

Sha Zhixing called an ambulance. After sending the people away, she took the two children to the hospital.