Chapter 1114 bankruptcy

Luo Xichen had driven all the way here a few minutes after receiving her call.

He got out of the car and ran all the way here. He saw the three people sitting in the corridor outside the emergency room and looked at them a few times. He was relieved that he did not find any serious injuries.

"Daddy! " The baby saw him and broke free from Sha Zhixing's body and ran towards him.

"Baby, are you okay? " Luo Xichen bent down and picked her up. He put his arms around her tiny body and asked gently.

The baby raised his fair and tender arms and showed him some bruises. He was worried that Luo xichen would worry, so he comforted her like an adult. "It's just a little injury. It doesn't hurt. Don't worry, Daddy. My brother and I are fine. "

Luo Xichen looked at her tender face quietly. His eyes suddenly felt warm. He gently patted her back and pressed her little body into his arms. His voice was Hoarse. "Daddy won't let this happen again! "

"It's not daddy's fault. It's that crazy woman's fault. " The baby imitated his actions and patted him on the shoulder. He told him about the situation excitedly "Daddy, did you know that when that woman was about to rush over, if brother hadn't found me out and dragged me out of the car, we would be lying inside like assistants right now? Brother is very powerful, isn't he? "

"Yes, brother is very powerful! " Luo xichen looked in Noah's direction and nodded seriously. He carried her to Sha Zhixing and Noah's side.

He sat down beside the two of them and looked at Noah's face. He asked gently, "Tell Daddy, are you hurt? "

"I'm fine with a little injury. " Noah said in a relaxed tone, afraid that he would be worried.

Luo xichen smiled and pinched Noah's cheek. "You're just a little kid. How can you be fine? "

"GRANDPA said that I'm the little man in the family! " Noah lifted his Chin and was very proud of Luo Enqi's evaluation.

Luo Xichen was amused by him, and half of his nervousness was gone.

Sha Zhixing was still worried about his injury. She looked at his elbow and got up to get some medicine for the two children's bruises.

She asked Luo Xichen as she applied the medicine for the children, "how are you going to solve the problem this time? "

"She was the one who wanted to shoot herself. She can't blame anyone else. " Luo Xichen's eyes turned cold. He got up with his phone and walked to the corner.

He dialed a number on his contact list and said in a cold voice, "He Jingting's company. I don't want to see it still exist in city c two days later... "

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked in his direction. She closed her eyes and did not say anything. She continued to apply the medicine for the child.

No matter what decision Luo Xichen made, she would not have any objections. When she asked he Simu to withdraw from Rong Xi, she had already shown him the greatest mercy.

However, some people were not always the best way to solve problems!

The assistant was pushed out after more than an hour. Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen stayed in the hospital for a few hours and returned to the company after the family members came.

In less than two days, a piece of breaking news blew up the entire city c -- The he corporation, which had been glorious for decades, was declared bankrupt overnight.

He jingting was sent to prison for many smuggling reasons, and he simu disappeared... ...

- Digression

Dear friends, the main text was almost finished. Yafeng's new article had been published, and Mu Siyan's story would also be arranged in the new article. The new title of the new article was "dangerous trial marriage: A wealthy family pampers their wife at a sky-high price. " The bookstore directly searched for the pen name: He Qingxia, a series of articles.