Chapter 1115

The he family was a well-known family in City C. The sudden change of events had shocked the entire business world.

Luo Xichen sat in the Rong Xi Building with the newspaper in his hand. The Front of the newspaper was full of news about the closure of the he enterprise and the imprisonment of he jingting.

He stared at the newspaper quietly for a while and smiled coldly.

Ring, ring, ring... ...

The phone rang at this time.

Luo xichen looked at the caller ID and answered the call.

"Xichen, baby and Noah want to go to the beach amusement park tonight. I'll bring them there first. Will you come over later after work? " Sha Zhixing's voice came from the other end of the phone. She had just finished speaking when the baby's voice suddenly cut in "Daddy, we'll wait for you! "

"We'll see you at the beach in western suburbs after work tonight! " Noah's voice was also mixed in.

The two children giggled. They seemed to be in a good mood.

Luo xichen smiled. He was in a good mood after hearing their voices on the phone.

"Xichen, I'll book a place for dinner first. We'll wait for you at the restaurant near the amusement park, " Sha Zhixing said with a smile and hung up.

Luo Xichen looked at his watch. It was five o'clock. There was still half an hour before work ended. He figured that he could still do something, so he picked up the documents and continued to read.

Sha Zhixing took the two children out of the office first.

When she walked out, she bumped into Luo Rongci.

Sha Zhixing's eyes suddenly turned cold. The baby and Noah stood beside her on both sides, their hands secretly holding her hand.

Luo Rongci silently observed her reaction. He stared at her for a long time and asked first, "are you going out? "

"Yes, " Sha Zhixing replied faintly, her attitude distant.

Luo RONGCI frowned.

Why did she suddenly treat him like this?

"Mommy, let's go! " Noah pulled Sha Zhixing's hand to remind her.

"Okay. " Sha Zhixing smiled at him, holding the hands of the two children as they walked past Luo Rongci and headed downstairs.

The three of them entered the elevator and went all the way down to the parking lot.

Noah and the baby held hands as they walked, as if they were thinking about something.

When they came to the car and were about to get into the car, their eyes happened to catch a glimpse of Luo RONGCI's parked car.

The two children looked at each other, then their eyes turned to the car. First they looked at the wheels, then they turned to the brakes. They were silent for a long time, and a cunning look flashed in their eyes. They didn't say anything and got into the car as if nothing had happened.

"Baby, what are you thinking about? " Sha Zhixing felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of the two children, so she raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Nothing. " The baby and Noah smiled at her, the expression on their faces was very innocent. "Mommy, you saw wrong. Let's go! "

Sha Zhixing looked at the two of them with a strange look on her face.

The child was born by her. She knew that something was wrong with the eyes of these two children, and they wanted to hide it from her?

Sha Zhixing knew that the baby and Noah must have some idea in their minds, but she did not know what exactly the two of them were planning to do.

But no matter what, she didn't want to care now. As long as the child was fine, she didn't care about anything else, even if she hurt the other party badly!

Driving, Sha Zhixing headed towards the beach.