Chapter 1136: dragging you down with me

"You shouldn't have come back after you left in the beginning! Luo Xichen should have been with me! "

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have ended up like this! The he family wouldn't have ended up like this! "

"If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened! "

"Are you happy to see the situation now? "

"Sha Zhixing, I'm telling you, even if I die, I'll drag you down with me! "

He simu's eyes were red with anger. She shouted at Sha Zhixing in a hoarse voice, and the gun in her hand fired even faster.

This woman is crazy!

Sha Zhixing looked at her in disbelief, but she did not say it out loud.

He simu clearly seemed to have been greatly provoked. If she continued to provoke her at this time, Sha Zhixing did not know what more crazy things she would do.

He simu's shot was very fast, but her marksmanship did not seem to be very good, so her aim was not accurate enough.

Sha Zhixing also dodged very quickly at the beginning, but she gradually lost her strength at the end. A bullet grazed her shoulder, and her skin burned with pain.

There were already quite a few people in the room. He simu was standing at the door, so no one dared to go out. One by one, they kept dodging in the room. Several of them were already injured, and they hugged each other and whimpered.

He simu looked coldly at Sha Zhixing's bleeding wound. Her Red Lips curled coldly. She wanted to point the muzzle at her again, but an unknown object suddenly shot out of thin air. Before she could see what it was, the gun in her hand had already been shot down.

He simu reacted quickly and wanted to bend down to pick it up. However, just as she moved, a slender leg kicked the gun away at a faster speed than her.

He simu looked at the pair of legs that had suddenly appeared, and her back stiffened. She slowly raised her head.

Luo Xichen stood beside her, holding the hands of the two children. His cold face was full of frost, and his eyes were so cold that he wanted to kill someone.

He simu looked at him in a daze. All the emotions that had been building up suddenly disintegrated, and her nerves were on the verge of collapse.

"Xichen... "

Luo Xichen only glanced at her coldly, and his gaze turned to Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing's shoulder was bleeding. He did not know how deep the wound was.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly, a hint of worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine. " Sha Zhixing stood up with her hands on the wall and walked slowly towards them.

"MOMMY! " The baby and Noah ran over and held her up from both sides.

"Mommy, is this bad woman crazy? How dare she do such a thing on the street? She's so hateful! " The baby grabbed Sha Zhixing's arm with one hand and pointed at he simu.

"Mommy, this kind of person will die a horrible death! " Noah echoed.

He simu had gone soft ever since Luo Xichen appeared. She squatted on the ground and held her face with both hands, crying her eyes out.

Only in front of Luo Xichen would she show such a weak side.

Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes and pondered on how to deal with her.

When he saw the wound on Sha Zhixing's shoulder, he had thought about whether he should kill Sha Zhixing and pay her back. However, this was too easy for a person like he simu.

How easy was it to die?

Everything would be gone after a moment of pain.

Death was the most torturous thing!

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and was silent for a while. Then, he took out his phone and dialed the police station's number.

The police car quickly arrived and he simu was taken away. She was suspected of a lot of crimes. She had committed multiple murders and three lives were involved. That alone was enough for her to go to prison for many years.

Luo Xichen had secretly used some power, and the final sentence was life!

This result was probably the best torture for her.

The daughter of the he family, who was high and mighty, was living in prison. The physical and mental torture was already greater than death... ...