Chapter 1137: The eve of his departure

The incident with he simu passed just like that. Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen stayed with the old man at home for a period of time, and then moved back to the night.

There were many people in the night, and the security measures were very good. Living there, Luo Xichen did not have to worry about the safety of his two children at all, while he himself was involved in the investigation of Luo Rongci.

Mu Siyan and Qing Yafeng would also come here from time to time. The few of them would gather together and sometimes discuss countermeasures.

When the few of them were chatting, Sha Zhixing would usually sit by the side and listen.

After Shi qinuo joined absolute night, he would help Luo Xichen from time to time to investigate Luo RONGCI's matter. All the influential families in C city had gathered together.

Luo Xichen had actually sent people to investigate in secret for a long time, but they had only found out the general information about the gang. Whether the person behind the scenes was Luo RONGCI's team had not been confirmed yet, and the progress was a little slow.

The reason for this was not that the group of People's investigative ability was weak, but that Luo Rongci had always protected himself too well. Otherwise, he would not have remained hidden in the Luo family for so many years without giving himself away.

However, one thing was for sure. If Luo RONGCI was the one who had recently found out the mastermind behind the gang, then the power of the gang was not much different from Jue Ye's!

Luo Xichen acted as if nothing had happened to Luo Rongci, and even seemed a little casual. However, Sha Zhixing knew Luo Xichen very well. In fact, she knew better than anyone that Luo Xichen did not really mind. He just did not want to show it.

Luo RONGCI's presence alone could be a great threat to the safety of the whole family!

Luo xichen slept very late that night. He was still in the study at midnight, looking at the information that his subordinates had found out.

Sha Zhixing put the two children to bed and stayed in the room with them for a while before she went to the study.

When she arrived, Luo Xichen was still reading the documents. His face was dark and he seemed a little irritated. The wrinkles between his eyebrows were very deep, and it made people want to help him smooth them out.

"Are you still busy? " Sha Zhixing went into the room and came to his side. She wanted to sit down on the chair next to him, but Luo Xichen pulled her over and sat on his lap.

He pushed the documents in his hands to the side and hugged her with both arms. He pecked her lips twice. "It's so late and you're still awake? "

"It's okay, " Sha Zhixing replied faintly. Her Gaze drifted to the documents beside him and she looked at them quietly. Her eyes darkened.

It was too slow to go on like this. Everyone was struggling, but their hearts were still hanging in the air.

This could not go on forever... ...

Sha Zhixing thought to herself and her expression darkened.

"Can't sleep without me? " Luo Xichen did not notice her gaze. He buried his face in her body and smelled her elegant body fragrance. He joked with her shamelessly.

Sha Zhixing was deep in thought and did not answer his question.

Luo Xichen looked up at him and could not help but bite her lips.

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and her eyes fell on his face. "What's wrong? "

"What are you thinking about? " Luo Xichen asked with a faint smile.

There was a flash of panic in Sha Zhixing's eyes after his words. However, the change in her expression was very quick and Luo Xichen did not notice it.

"Nothing. " Sha Zhixing turned her face to the side. She stood up and pulled him out of the house. "It's late. You should rest early too! "

Luo Xichen smiled and followed her out of the room.

His legs were long, and he walked in front of Sha Zhixing after a few steps.

The two of them walked in the corridor leading to the bedroom. Sha Zhixing walked behind them and looked at Luo Xichen's back in a daze. When Luo Xichen reached the door of the bedroom, she suddenly took a few steps forward and put her arms around Luo Xichen's waist