Chapter 1153

Luo RONGCI's eyes were bloodshot as he looked at the burning fireworks in the sky. He shouted at the bodyguards beside him in a hoarse voice, "why is this happening? "

"m-master, we don't know... " the group of people recoiled in fear and stepped back, their heads hanging down to their chests.

Luo rongci stared at the armory for a long time, his eyes closed with a heavy look.

If something like this happened, it could only be one of Luo Xichen's men who had sneaked in!

"They came all the way here. Open the second armory and get ready to welcome them. " Luo RONGCI turned around and left in a certain direction of the castle.

Destroying an armory had a great impact on him, but Luo Xichen probably did not expect that he had prepared a second or even a third one!

On the way to the castle, Luo Xichen walked while looking for the mark that Sha Zhixing had carved on the tree.

Luo Xichen's eyes were fixed on the crooked marks on the tree, and his eyes were a little red.

After four years, he had helped Jue ye and Rong Xi to survive for four years. Now, zhixing had really changed a lot. She was more cautious, more careful, and more meticulous.

All of this had been honed over the years... ...

"Yafeng has sent news that the armory has been destroyed. We must be careful of ambushes after entering the castle, " Mu Siyan's voice suddenly rang out from the side.

"okay, " Luo Xichen replied faintly and continued to walk forward with the crowd.

Qing Yafeng was the first to enter the castle. He had disguised himself as Luo Rongci after dealing with the person who was secretly preparing to ambush him. He did not like to drag things out Therefore, he had destroyed the armory with the information that Sha Zhixing had left for Luo Xichen.

However, he knew that such a huge force would not have an armory. Hence, he did not come out immediately after destroying one. Instead, he continued to search in the dark, looking for Sha Zhixing's shadow.

When Luo Xichen and his men arrived at the castle, the castle was empty. Just as they were about to enter, gunshots suddenly rang out in all directions.

There was only the sound of gunshots, but no one was seen.

A group of men who had come with them automatically surrounded Luo Xichen and Shi Qinuo in the middle.

Luo Xichen stood in the middle of the crowd, his gaze sharp as he scanned the scene. He took a few steps back and said, "everyone, step back first. "

The group of men obeyed his orders and stepped out in unison.

Luo xichen looked coldly into the castle, his eyes filled with a layer of gloom.

"Call Yafeng and see if he has found Zhixing's whereabouts. " Luo Xichen turned his head and spoke to his entourage. His gaze was once again empty in the castle.

The man turned to the side and called Qing Yafeng. However, the other party did not pick up the phone. He did not know if the signal was bad or not.

After that, he called a few more times, but there was still no sound.

When the man was about to hang up the phone, Qing Yafeng finally picked up. His voice was very low. "Luo RONGCI's people are all hidden. It's not convenient to move around inside. We have not found Zhixing's whereabouts for the time being. "

Before the man could ask, Qing Yafeng finished his sentence and hung up the phone. He explained everything that the other party wanted to ask and did not ask.

The man told Luo Xichen the truth.

"call him again and tell him to retreat in secret, " Luo Xichen whispered to him, thinking about where Sha Zhixing might go.

Qing Yafeng retreated about half an hour after receiving the call. The castle was big and the man was hiding in the dark. It took him a little more time.