Where was chapter 1154, Zhixing

He walked to the door and was about to leave when the gunshots rang out behind him again.

Luo Xichen led his men into the castle and stepped out to protect Qing Yafeng before retreating again.

"change the firing rate for me! " Mo Yichen was furious at being so passive. He waved his long arm and ordered the men behind him in a very domineering manner.

However, he was stopped by Luo Xichen. "ZHIXING MIGHT BE INSIDE! "

The scene fell silent after he said that.

"I was wrong. " Mo Yichen scratched his head and walked behind him with his head lowered.

It was indeed easier to switch to bombing, but if Sha Zhixing was inside, she would undoubtedly be hurt.

Luo Xichen was also troubled by this problem. If Sha Zhixing was not here, he would have bombed the entire island!

However, he could not move without ensuring her safety.

"What should we do now? " Shi Qinuo turned to look at him and asked for his opinion.

Luo Xichen looked around and was deep in thought. After thinking for a few minutes, a small pool of blood on the ground suddenly came into his view.

The road on the island was paved with cobblestones. The small blood trail followed the gate of the castle and went deep into the woods.

Luo Xichen Bent Down and looked at the color of the blood. After thinking for a few seconds, his eyes suddenly turned to the woods.

The color of the blood was still very fresh. It was obvious that it had just been left here not long ago. Combined with the various secret signals that Sha Zhixing had left behind after she came here and the fact that the tracking chip could not contact her, his heart suddenly jumped.

In the castle, Luo Rongci, who had been quietly monitoring the scene, suddenly changed his expression when he looked into the forest.

"You guys stay here. I'll go inside and take a look, " he instructed the people around him. He was about to follow the blood trail into the depths of the forest when a few figures suddenly walked out from the castle.

"You came all the way here. Aren't you going to meet me once before you leave? " Luo RONGCI walked in front with a few followers behind him, his voice cold.

Luo Xichen stopped in his tracks, turned around, and looked coldly in his direction. "where is Zhixing? "

"I thought you would care about the South African Sea first. " Luo RONGCI raised his eyebrows and changed the topic.

Luo Xichen stared at him gloomily, suddenly raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Luo Xichen's head. "where is Zhixing? "

However, Luo RONGCI's expression did not change.

"Don't you want to Find Zhixing? " There was a trace of mockery on his lips, and his voice was calm without a trace of emotion.

"I will flatten this place inch by inch first. Then, I will dig three feet into the ground and find her! " Luo Rongci walked towards him step by step and pulled the trigger with the gun in his hand.

Luo RONGCI's expression changed. He turned his face to the side and avoided Luo Xichen's attack. His followers took out their guns and aimed at Luo Xichen and the people behind him.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and glanced at the people behind him from the corner of his eyes. Mo Yichen, who had nothing to do, understood what Luo Xichen meant. He said a few words to the people behind him and pointed a small explosive device in Luo RONGCI's direction.

Luo Xichen did not dare to move recklessly without finding Sha Zhixing. However, he still dared to bombard a small area.

"You won't do that. " Luo RONGCI glanced at his equipment calmly.