Chapter 1159 was invincible

Luo rongci dragged Sha Zhixing to the side of the bed, grabbed the torn cloth and tied her hands and feet, then turned and walked out of the door.

Downstairs, Luo Xichen stood in front of the gate of the villa and looked coldly at the group of people fighting. His eyes scanned the scene inch by inch.

Luo Rongci walked out of the room and stood in the corridor, looking down at him with a cold smile on his face.

Luo Xichen looked at him from the corner of his eyes and suddenly looked up. "where is Zhixing? "

"I'll tell you if you can walk up the stairs! " Luo Rongci looked at him coldly, without any expression in his eyes.

Luo Xichen's eyes darted from the courtyard to the entrance of the stairs. His eyes darkened as he looked at the chaotic scene.

"Xichen, you can't! " Ji Nanyou, who had come with him, knew what Luo Rongci was up to and reminded him nervously.

The scene was full of bullets. He did not know if he had set up an ambush in the dark. It was a question of whether he could walk up successfully, not to mention whether Luo rongci would tell Luo Xichen where Sha Zhixing was.

"Zhixing might be up there. " Luo Xichen's eyes were fixed on the stairs. His voice was calm and unperturbed.

"Be reasonable. What if Zhixing is not here? " Ji Nanyou asked.

"I think I heard her voice just now. " Luo xichen looked at the stairs in a daze. His face was dark.

Ji Nanyou looked at the chaotic scene and wanted to tell him that he was hearing things.

The scene was so noisy and there were gunshots everywhere. How could there be Sha Zhixing's voice?

Luo Xichen only glanced at him and stepped forward step by step.

Just as he made this move, Luo RONGCI's bullets suddenly swept towards him.

Luo Xichen's sharp eyes swept across the crowd. Suddenly, a golden pistol appeared in his hand. He pulled the trigger and bullets flew towards the crowd.

He was very fast and his movements were superb. It was as if everyone was hallucinating. No one could see him clearly.

When they came to their senses, there were wails all around them.

"PROTECT HIM! " Ji Nanyou was worried about him, so he led a group of men to follow him.

A group of men surrounded Luo Xichen and escorted him to the stairs.

Luo rongci watched the scene from the top of the stairs. He pointed his gun in Luo Xichen's direction and slowly pulled the trigger.

A bullet flew out and was about to touch Luo Xichen when Luo Xichen's body suddenly flashed into the stairs, avoiding the attack.

"Go down and stop him! " Luo RONGCI ordered the group of men in the corridor as he watched Luo Xichen get closer and closer to the top of the stairs.

The group of men then hurried downstairs.

Sha Zhixing was locked in the room. Her heart was in a mess as she listened to Luo Rongci's words and the voices coming from outside.

She could not see what was happening outside, but she could imagine what was happening outside.

Luo Xichen was here. Luo RONGCI would not let him get close to her easily!

Sha Zhixing glanced around the room and thought of a way to solve the problem. She saw a bottle next to her, got off the bed, jumped over, and fell to the ground. She felt for the bottle with her fingers and suddenly smashed it.

She didn't know if Luo Rongci could hear her voice from outside, but Sha Zhixing was a little nervous when she did this, and she looked at the door from time to time.

Luo Rongci didn't know whether it was because he couldn't care about her or because the sound was too chaotic, so the door didn't open... ...