Chapter 1158 started from the beginning, and finally came to an end

Sha Zhixing said a lot in one breath, paused, and continued "No matter what, Xichen would not ignore my feelings, nor would he make me so panicked. I can relax physically and mentally whenever I am by his side, but I am always on guard when I am by your side, even if I do not know that you have done so much! "

"You also do not understand why I chose Xichen. When Xichen was not around, I would rather choose Qinuo than you. Why have I not reflected on my actions? " Sha Zhixing moved closer to the door She carefully observed his reaction.

Luo RONGCI was silent for a long time after her words.

He had thought of many reasons why Sha Zhixing did not like him, but he did not expect this to be included.

"Zhixing, I did overlook this in the past, but as long as you are willing, we have a lot of time to slowly understand in the future. " Luo Rongci took a few steps closer to her, and his hand was about to reach out to her, but Sha Zhixing waved it away.

Her push was very strong, and a crisp sound rang in the room, slowly reverberating. Luo Rongci was stunned for a moment.

Sha Zhixing took advantage of the moment when he was in a daze to step back again, increasing the distance between her and him.

"Luo Rongci, do you think that I would feel at ease with a man who once regarded himself as his right-hand man? " Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly, her eyes full of mockery "You can kill your own brother, you can take away your sister-in-law without any scruples, and you can even casually say words that hurt a few-year-old child. You are so unfamiliar that I don't recognize you at all! "

Luo RONGCI's back was straight as he listened to her accusations. His eyes were a little red, but he did not refute her.

She was right. He was indeed ruthless, but he had never changed his mind about her heart. It started with his heart, and finally, his head turned white.

The atmosphere in the room was silent.

The Cold War lasted for a few minutes. Suddenly, gunshots were heard from downstairs. Sha Zhixing and Luo rongci looked at the source of the sound at the same time.

Sha Zhixing was only stunned for a second or two before she realized what might have happened downstairs. She pushed Luo Rongci aside and ran out of the door.

"XICHEN! " She shouted at the top of her voice.

She knew that the first thing Luo xichen would do when he came to this island would be to look for her!

How worried would he be if he did not see her after coming here for so long?

The gunshots downstairs were very loud. She was not sure if Luo Xichen had heard them.

"XICHEN! " Sha Zhixing ran to the door and wanted to rush out. However, before she could appear in the corridor, she was pulled from behind and her body fell into a cold embrace.

"Luo Rongci, let go of me! " Sha Zhixing raised her elbow and wanted to attack Luo RONGCI's abdomen, but he easily dodged her attack.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you no matter what. " Luo Rongci closed his eyes and dragged her to the bed next to him.

"Luo Rongci, I'll hate you if you do this! " Sensing his intention, Sha Zhixing's expression changed. She wanted to break free from his restraints, but Luo Rongci was too strong. He pulled her hand like a leather rope, making it impossible for her to break free.

The gunfight downstairs had been unusually intense since the arrival of Luo Xichen's group.

The sound of gunshots could be heard from time to time, echoing in the empty forest for a long time... ...