Chapter 1157 -- Mutual Destruction

"You're wrong. I'm already here. What else do you think is impossible for me? " Sha Zhixing took a few steps back, her voice as cold as frost. "If I can help Xichen win, I don't care if we die together! "

After saying that, she pulled the trigger again.

Luo RONGCI's expression changed slightly after hearing her words.

"Zhixing, give me the gun! " He reached out his hand towards her. His words were very careful, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

Sha Zhixing glanced at his hand from the corner of her eyes. The gun in her hand suddenly turned and aimed at his body. With a "PA" , she pulled the trigger.

Her speed was very fast, so fast that the people around her did not have time to react.

In the past few years in the absolute night life, her marksmanship had also been trained.

However, Luo Rongci's reaction was faster than hers. Just as the bullet was about to shoot at him, his hand suddenly stretched to the side and pulled a man to block in front of him.

The bullet that flew out hit the man's head. The man's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body spasmed. He fell to the ground stiffly, and dark red blood flowed out.

Sha Zhixing glanced at the man from the corner of her eyes. She wanted to shoot again, but Luo RONGCI's figure suddenly moved to her side like a ghost. He grabbed her wrist with one hand and shot down the gun in her hand.

Sha Zhixing raised her knee, wanting to attack his weak spot, but he nimbly dodged it.

"Don't try to provoke me! " Luo Rongci said coldly. He carried her on his shoulder and led her upstairs.

When they reached the stairs, a voice came from behind them. "there will be vips arriving soon. Take good care of them! "

His tone was cold. Sha Zhixing's heart tightened and Luo Xichen's name appeared in her mind.

The men outside the courtyard began to prepare after Luo RONGCI's words. They held guns in their hands and blocked the door of the villa.

This action made Sha Zhixing confirm her own guess.

She turned her head and glanced sideways at Luo Rongci from the corner of her eyes. She looked around, trying to feel for something to hit his neck, but she did not see anything.

The two of them walked into the house. Luo rongci threw her onto the bed, tore the bedsheet, and looked at her again.

"stay in there for a while. I'LL BE THERE SOON! "

"Luo Rongci, you can't do this to me! " Sha Zhixing was panicking. She shrank her body to the side and jumped off the bed. She fumbled for a vase and threw it at him.

Luo rongci tilted his head to the side and nimbly avoided her attack. The high-quality ceramic fell to the ground with a crisp sound and turned into pieces.

Luo rongci glanced at the wolf on the ground and frowned slightly.

"Don't come over! " Sha Zhixing shrank to the side and looked at him coldly. She said word by word, "Do you know why I don't like you? "

Luo RONGCI's deep eyes stirred up tiny microwaves after her words. He looked at her quietly and did not go over immediately.

Sha Zhixing kept stepping back to keep some distance from him before she spoke again, "because you have always given me the feeling that you are a mystery. Although we have known each other for so many years, in reality, I have never been close to you

"You have never revealed any of your thoughts to anyone, but Xichen is different. No matter how cold he is in front of others, all the emotions in his heart can be displayed in front of me. He is more alive than you. I know everything about him, and he also knows me. No one like you can get close to his heart! "