Chapter 1156: Bring me to him

In a villa deep in the woods, a group of people in black suits were guarding it strictly.

There were the most guards gathered outside a room upstairs. The guards lined up in two pairs along the door, and from time to time, people with guns would pass by.

Sha Zhixing stood in the room, thinking about how to solve her current problem.

The iron chains were very thick, and it was impossible to break them off. The handcuffs on her hands were also very precise, so it was impossible to use something to break them off.

Sha Zhixing didn't know what was going on outside, so she was very worried.

After hesitating for a while in the room, she suddenly shouted at the door, "where is Luo Rongci? "

The door was opened after that. A man stood in the middle of the door and answered her respectfully, "master is still busy. He will come later. "

The man just stood outside the door, and had no intention of coming in. After saying that, he closed the door again.

"I want to see him! " Sha Zhixing looked at the door that was about to be closed, and her handcuffed hand twitched.

"Miss, master is not free right now, it's not convenient, " the man explained with his head lowered.

"CUT THE CRAP! Are you going to take me or not? " Sha Zhixing shouted at the man. Without waiting for his reply, she added in a cold voice, "If you don't take me there, I'll die for you to see. When that time comes, none of you will be able to make a mistake! "

After saying that, she pretended to bite her tongue.

"Miss, please don't do this! " The group of people outside the room were shocked by her action. The two men looked at each other and carefully walked towards her.

The two of them walked very slowly. They looked at her with vigilance in their eyes, afraid that they would agitate her.

"Take Me to Luo Rong CI! " Sha Zhixing took a few steps back and raised her head slightly, asking again.

The two men were silent.

"What? There are so many of you following me, are you afraid that I can escape? " Sha Zhixing glanced at the group of people and said sarcastically.

What she said was right. There were so many people here, how could she escape?

The two bodyguards let their guard down after she said that.

But they didn't help her untie him immediately.

Instead, they went out to discuss with the leader outside the door.

After leaving, they came back after a few minutes.

"Take me there! " Sha Zhixing looked at the two of them coldly and bit her tongue again.

The two of them were startled by her and rushed to her side in panic, wanting to stop her, but they didn't dare to touch any part of her body.

After hesitating for a while, they finally helped her untie the chain.

A large group of people took her out of the room and went downstairs. Just as they were about to lead her to the castle, Luo Rongci's figure suddenly bumped into them.

The Group of people felt relieved when they saw him, although they did not understand why he would appear here at this time.

Sha Zhixing's expression changed when she saw him. She glanced at the people around her and suddenly flashed and snatched the gun from one of the men's hands. She took large strides and retreated to a distance away from the group of people.

"WHO UNTIED HER? " Luo RONGCI shouted at the group of people around him with a cold face.

"I told THEM TO UNTIE HER! " Sha Zhixing retreated to a distance away from him. Her Gaze was fixed on his face and she looked at him expressionlessly. The muzzle of the gun in her hand was pointed at her. "Don't come over! "

Luo Rongci took a few steps forward as if he did not hear her.

"I said don't come over! " Sha Zhixing's eyes turned cold and pulled the trigger.

"You won't do that. " Luo RONGCI did not fall for her trick at all. He was still approaching her.

Luo Xichen was probably coming over. She could not appear here!