Chapter 1162: together forever

The people downstairs got his order and began to prepare.

Luo Xichen's expression changed. Ji Nanyou and his men wanted to leave the villa, but the door of a room upstairs was pulled open with a bang. A figure rushed out and grabbed the gun in the hand of a man who was guarding the door The muzzle was pointed at Luo Rongci, who was not far away.

She was very fast. Luo Xichen had taught her self-defense skills and honed them in the absolute night for the next four years. No one had expected her to suddenly come out. Even Luo Rongci was surprised by her reaction.

"Don't move! " Sha Zhixing pointed her gun at Luo Rongci and walked towards him step by step.

If there was anyone who had the most authority here, it was probably her. No one on either side dared to hurt her.

Luo Xichen looked at her from a distance of dozens of meters. He glanced at her face and saw that her face was still red. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Sha Zhixing looked at him from a distance and did not say anything. Instead, she focused her attention on Luo RONGCI's face again.

"Tell them to put down their guns! " Sha Zhixing ordered as she glanced at his men from the corner of her eye.

"Zhixing, don't hurt yourself. " Luo RONGCI was expressionless.

"put down your guns, or I'll shoot you right now! " Sha Zhixing ignored him and looked at the rest of his men.

The men looked at her stiffly. They did not know whether to put down their guns or not.

Luo Xichen watched the scene quietly and gave Ji Nanyou a look. The two of them walked upstairs together again.

"SHOOT! " Luo rongci looked at the scene coldly and shouted at the people around him.

"I'll shoot whoever dares to make a move! " Sha Zhixing walked towards him and shouted at the people around her. She pulled the trigger.

Luo Rongci did not believe that she would do it, but seeing the anger in Sha Zhixing's eyes, his thoughts wavered again.

Luo Xichen's men were still approaching.

Luo RONGCI's men did not know whether to shoot or not. All of them turned to look at Luo Rongci.

"Zhi Xing, do you know how important you are to me? " Luo RONGCI's face suddenly turned towards Sha Zhixing, who was behind him. He looked at her quietly, and his voice softened.

Sha Zhixing was somewhat surprised that he would suddenly say such a thing at this time, but her hands still held the gun tightly.

"I want to be with you, just the two of us. We can do it any way. " From the corner of her eyes, she glanced sideways at a man holding a bomb beside her. Luo RONGCI's clear voice rang out again, and his voice seemed a little lonely in the villa.

Sha Zhixing listened to his words quietly and slowly pondered the meaning of his words.

Luo Xichen, who was downstairs, reacted for a few seconds. He suddenly pushed aside the crowd and rushed towards them.

"Zhixing, stay away from him! " His footsteps were very fast and his voice was very urgent. However, he had just finished speaking when the sound of an explosion suddenly came from upstairs. The entire building burned up after that.

"Zhixing! " A heart-wrenching cry came from downstairs. A figure ran towards the Sea of fire after that.

Ji Nanyou was also shocked to see this scene. He was stunned for a while before he realized what had happened. He quickly ran towards Luo Xichen. "Xichen, no! It's dangerous! "

Another topic

If everything went according to plan, the official story would end the next day. It would be a happy, unconventional story, a dangerous trial marriage, a rich family pampering their wife at a sky-high price. Only he Qingxia, the author of the book search, would be able to see it