Chapter 1163 the mad devil

"Zhixing is inside. Didn't you see her? " Luo Xichen shouted at him in a hoarse voice. He pushed him away and rushed towards the burning villa like a madman.

"You won't be able to help her if you go in like this. You'll only harm yourself! Think about Noah and the baby! " Ji Nanyou hugged him with all his strength and turned his head to shout at the people around him. "Stop Him! "

The rest of the people got his order and surrounded Luo Xichen.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY! Zhixing is still inside... she's still inside... " there was a murderous look in his piercing red eyes Luo Xichen kicked away the people in front of him violently and struggled to continue walking inside. However, none of the people who were holding him were willing to let go.

All of them just held on to him with all their strength. No matter how hard he kicked, they were all silent.

The fire was so big that it was almost impossible for a person to come out after entering. Wasn't that suicide?

The villa was still burning. The sound of the floor collapsing, the sound of the fire, and the sound of the wind mixed together.

Luo Xichen's eyes were bloodshot as he stared at the burning fire. The Sea of fire was reflected in his eyes, and the rims of his eyes slowly became moist.

This was what they saw when Qing Yafeng and Shi Qinuo rushed over with their own people after they had finished dealing with the group of people from the castle.

The Group of people fell silent as they looked at the villa that was only left with a pile of frames. Then, they looked at Luo Xichen's misty eyes.

No one needed to ask what had happened... ...

The fire in the villa slowly died down, leaving only the structure of the building. The things inside had been burnt and some places had even collapsed. There were many remains, but Sha Zhixing and Luo Rongci were nowhere to be found.

Luo xichen waited outside the villa for the whole night, staring blankly at the ruined building. His eyes were so empty that there was no focus in them.

The rest of absolute night did not leave either. Some stayed with him, while others continued to look for clues in the ruined building.

After a fruitless night, Luo Xichen was dragged back by Ji Nanyou the next morning.

The baby and Noah were still at home. Mommy had gone missing. They could not let their daddy go too... ...

The group had just arrived at jue Ye's island when the baby and Noah were already standing side by side at the pier waiting for them.

Their eyes swept across the faces at the scene and saw the dejected expressions on their faces. The two children's eyes finally turned towards Luo Xichen.

"Daddy, where's mommy? " The baby and Noah asked very carefully in a very low voice.

Luo Xichen's empty eyes came back to their senses after the two children's words. He stared at the baby's miniature face of Sha Zhixing, and a drop of warm liquid dripped onto her tender face.

It was very hot. The baby's tender skin was burning hot, and the blood in his body seemed to be boiling.

This was the first time she saw Luo Xichen's tears. It was also the first time everyone present saw a man who had always been arrogant and defiant in both the black and white worlds cry for Sha Zhixing... ...

Qing Yafeng watched the scene quietly. He was afraid that the baby and Noah would lose control of their emotions when they realized what had happened, so he walked over to them in a few steps.

"Baby, why are you waiting here? How strong is the wind? Are you cold? " The usually elegant man asked He coaxed the two children with a gentle voice that did not belong to him at all. He wanted to carry the two children and walk into the house, but the baby pushed his arm away.