Chapter 1182 wasn't worth the pain

Hai Yue ignored him. She rubbed her elbows and then her knees. She was still unconscious from the alcohol. She rubbed her buttocks and tried to check her injuries She even wanted to lift up her t-shirt for a checkup.

She did it naturally, but Shi Qinuo's expression changed slightly.

When the Hem of her shirt was about to be lifted up, she pressed down on her wrist.

This wretched girl, did she not treat him as a man or a woman?

Hai Yue looked at him in shock, her face blank.

"where are you hurt? " Shi Qinuo pried open her fingers and began to examine her injuries.

Hai Yue's mind was not clear, and she looked at him in a daze. How would she know where she was hurt? All she knew was that it hurt everywhere.

Shi Qinuo glanced at her and did not expect her to answer his question. He lowered his head and began to examine her again.

Hai Yue was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. It was a very playful outfit. Her fair and slender legs were exposed in the air. The wound on her knee was very obvious. It was a huge bruise.

Her skin was very good. It was as if it was made of milk. It was as if water could drip out with just a pinch. Hence, if she was slightly injured, her injuries would be more serious than the average person.

Shi Qinuo stared at her for a long time. Finally, he found something that didn't belong to a man on her body.

How many men had delicate skin to such an extent?

Not to mention men, her skin was probably not comparable to any woman.

Such a delicate girl, how did he put her into the category of men in the past?

It was the first time Shi Qinuo felt that his eyes were blind.

However, when he thought of Hai Yue's careless behavior when she was sober, he found another reason for himself.

He helped her to roughly examine the wounds on her body. Shi Qinuo's gaze looked around her room a few times. Considering her privacy, he hesitated for a moment before rummaging through the medicine chest.

Hai Yue's careless behavior probably meant that she often injured herself. The position of the medicine cabinet was very obvious and it was convenient to take it out.

Shi Qinuo found some medicine to treat the bruises. When he turned around, Hai Yue was already sitting under the bed. Her arms were hanging by the edge of the bed and her head was leaning on the headboard. Her appearance was very undignified.

She didn't have a good image with Shi Qinuo. When Shi Qinuo saw her like this, he didn't think it was strange. He walked to her side and kicked her lightly. He asked, "can you get up on your own? "

Hai Yue ignored him. She turned her face to the side and didn't even look at him.

Shi Qinuo didn't have much time to waste with her. He simply picked her up and threw her on the bed.

The blanket was very soft. This time, Hai Yue didn't feel much pain. She waved her arms in the air a few times, trying to feel for the blanket, but she didn't manage to find it. Her body suddenly started to roll on the bed like an itchy cat.

Shi Qinuo had seen all kinds of things about her tonight. Now that he saw her calm down, he ignored her and allowed her to move. He turned his head to the side and dipped his head in the medicine.

Hai Yue was a little cold. She tossed and turned, looking for the sheets. Her head was moving around the bed and in different directions.

Shi qinuo slowly dipped a cotton swab into the medicine. He wanted to help her treat her wound, but Hai Yue's furry head suddenly leaned towards him and rested her head on his leg... ...