Chapter 1183, don't leave

Her actions were natural. After she leaned her head over, her body followed suit. She wrapped her arms around his body and continued to sleep on his pillow.

Shi Qinuo's body stiffened. He was still holding the medicine in his hands. He looked down at her and was about to push her away. However, when he saw that she seemed to be sleeping soundly and that her arms were tightly wrapped around his body, he resisted the urge.

Hai Yue's head rubbed against his body from time to time. She looked as obedient as a cat.

This kind of her almost made Shi Qinuo sympathize with her.

But after a while, she started to act unruly again. Her legs kicked randomly in the air, and after that, the pillow, quilt, and clothes were all scattered on the ground.

Shi Qinuo didn't like messy things. His world was well organized, and he couldn't bear to see other people's lives like this. Looking at the messy ground, he wanted to bend down to pick it up, but.. Hai Yue hugged his arms, but she refused to let go of him.

Shi Qinuo really wanted to pinch her and push her to the side. However, the sleeping Hai Yue's behavior was a little unrefined. She was too obedient, and he couldn't bear to let her go.

Hai Yue didn't know what he had done, and she slept soundly.

Shi Qinuo turned his head to look at the time on his watch. It was already one in the morning. He had been here with her for a while. It was time to go back.

Shi qinuo glanced at Hai Yue's arm that was wrapped around his body. After thinking for a while, he gently pried open her fingers and picked up the pillow on the ground. He picked her up and placed her head on the pillow.

After that, he started to clean up the wolf on the ground.

He had never had the patience to care about other people's matters, but Hai Yue's messy room really made him unable to bear to look at it.

After doing all this, he helped her cover up the blanket. Shi Qinuo wanted to leave, but when he straightened up, the corner of his clothes was pulled by something.

When he turned his head, he realized that Hai Yue's hand had somehow groped his body again.

A single action made Shi qinuo frown slightly.

He wanted to pull her hand away, but just as his hand touched hers, Hai Yue's body suddenly trembled and a sentence drifted out from her mouth. "Don't go! "

Her voice was a little anxious, as if she was dreaming, and there were a few drops of sweat on her forehead.

Shi Qinuo raised his eyebrows and looked at her with an expressionless face.

Don't go?

Who Did she think he was this time?

Mo Yichen?

Hai Yue and jue ye were like brothers. Shi Qinuo wouldn't misunderstand that she might have some special feelings for Mo Yichen, but after living together for so long, he didn't doubt that she might have a lot of reliance on him.

"Don't go... don't leave me behind... " Hai Yue's dream continued. The situation in the dream didn't seem good, and the sweat on her forehead dripped out ...

Her voice sounded pitiful. It felt like an abandoned kitten or puppy. Shi Qinuo's heart was slightly moved by her murmurs.

Who Did she dream about?

Shi Qinuo was suddenly curious.

Hai Yue's family situation was very good. Although she had lost her parents, she was still a princess that was doted on by thousands of people. The children of the Hai Family shouldn't have such a pitiful side.

However, her sadness now was so real.

Shi Qinuo was prepared to pull her hand away and stop. He let her pull on the corner of his clothes. Then, with a gentleness that he couldn't believe, he gently coaxed her, "I'm here, don't be afraid... "