Chapter 1184: Empathy

When he said this, he was stunned for a moment.

He had known Hai Yue for so many years, but he had never spoken to her like that. He had always treated her like a little boy, thinking that she could withstand the incisiveness of all kinds of men. He had never been so soft before.

His words seemed to be very useful to Hai Yue. Her arms wrapped around his body again, and her petite body took the initiative to snuggle into his arms.

When she did this, she was very gentle. It was as if she was a small animal begging for its master's love. Then, she slowly said, "mommy... "

All the expressions on Shi Qinuo's face froze when she called out softly. His eyes were fixed on her. It took him a lot of patience to resist the urge to throw her out.

So this wretched girl rubbed and rubbed against her body. Did she think that he was her mother?

Shi Qinuo had always been good at controlling his emotions. However, when he met Hai Yue, he had the tendency to go berserk from time to time.

Just as he was struggling at the edge of losing control, the woman in his arms suddenly whimpered.

Shi Qinuo's back stiffened. All the emotions in his chest seemed to have met with a basin of cold water after her sudden voice. They were all extinguished in an instant.

In the past few years, Hai Yue had always given him a carefree and carefree image. She was carefree and unrestrained. When she was happy, she would be very attentive and help him do things that would last through the night. When she was unhappy, she would yell at him and compete with him She had never had such a weak side.

Shi Qinuo's gaze slowly lowered and fixed on her tear-stained face. He was a little absent-minded.

Hai Yue's parents had passed away one after another when she was a few years old. They were both sick. Hai Yue had never felt any love from her parents since she was young. She was raised by her uncle, and although this familial love was very strong.. There was still a difference between her and her parents.

All these years, she was careless on the outside and did not care about anything. In private, she should also be lonely and helpless, right?

Shi Qinuo quietly looked at her face. Through her, he seemed to see himself.

His situation was somewhat similar to hers. It was just that his mother was the only one who left him. However, his father was too busy and did not have time to care about him when he was young. Shi Qinuo's childhood was spent with the servants.

Everyone in France knew how huge and powerful his family was. In the eyes of outsiders, he was like a prince. He lived in a huge castle and was surrounded by servants. Other people might not be able to enjoy the treatment in their entire lives But he was born with it. But no one knew that these were not what he wanted.

The bigger the castle was, the more lonely it would be.

All he wanted was that incomplete mother's love.

On Hai Yue, Shi qinuo found the similarity between the two for the first time.

They both lived like princes and princesses, but they had never been satisfied. What they wanted, they could never get... ...

Hai Yue sobbed in his arms for a while and slowly quieted down. In this position, she seemed to fall into a deep sleep again.

Shi Qinuo just sat there, letting her head rest on his lap. He pulled the bedsheet beside him and covered her with it. He didn't leave nor change his position. He closed his eyes and took a nap.

Fortunately, Hai Yue didn't do much behind him. She seemed to be able to sleep soundly with him in her arms.

However, Shi Qinuo didn't feel too good. There was a spacious and soft bed at home, but he had to sit here and take a nap. He didn't believe that he could be so merciful.