Chapter 1185. Even men were not spared

The Sky outside slowly brightened.

At about seven or eight o'clock in the morning, the main door of the villa was suddenly pushed open. Following that, two small figures walked in.

Hai Cao and Hai Luo did not treat this place as a relative's home. After entering, it was as if they were walking in their own garden. They held hands and went upstairs, directly walking towards Hai Yue's room.

"Sister Yue, wake up! " The two children's voices were very loud and especially loud.

Shi Qinuo didn't sleep well last night. He was very sleepy at this time. When he was about to fall asleep, the two children's voices suddenly drifted in. He opened his eyes.

Hai Yue was still asleep, but Hai Cao and Hai Luo's voices were too loud. She trembled and opened her eyes.

What entered her eyes was Shi Qinuo's unique deep handsome face and the pair of dark brown eyes that were staring at her.

Hai Yue's expression froze for a few seconds. Her gaze followed his face and slowly moved down to his body. Then to her head on his leg. Her mind went blank for a few seconds. She didn't immediately blush and jump up from his body She didn't make a fuss and ask him why he was here. Instead, she lifted the blanket and carefully looked at her own clothes.

She had a t-shirt and jeans, and she was still well-behaved. Fortunately, fortunately!

Hai Yue was relieved.

Seeing her action, Shi Qinuo looked at her with extreme disdain.

He lifted his thin lips and sarcastically said, "don't worry, I'm not picky enough to not even let a man go. "

One sentence made Hai Yue's face turn red. She really wanted to yell back at him, "Miss, I'm a real woman. ".

"You hugged me and slept for a whole night. Are you still reluctant to let go? " Above her head, Shi Qinuo's voice sounded again. It was lazy, as if there was a hint of mockery in it.

But Hai Yue didn't recognize it.

Hai Yue's expression was a little awkward. She wanted to push him open, but the door was pushed open at this time.

"SISTER YUE! " Hai Luo and Hai Cao's voices sounded at the same time, and they even called out in unison.

Hai Yue and Shi Qinuo's bodies froze at the same time. They looked at the two little ghosts who suddenly came to visit. One of them frowned slightly, while the other looked panicked.

Hai Cao and Hai Luo obviously didn't expect to see a man in Hai Yue's room. The two kids were stunned and looked at each other. They raised their hands to cover their eyes. "We didn't see anything! "

Cover what!


Hai Yue wanted to complain, but Shi Qinuo's appearance was too strange. Afraid that the two kids would open their mouths, she got up from Shi Qinuo. She walked to the door and pushed the two kids out.

"Go back first. Sister will come over later. Don't say anything when you go out. Sister has nothing to do with that person. "

"really? " Hai Cao and Hai Luo looked at her suspiciously. It was obvious that they didn't believe her words.

No matter what, which man would appear in a girl's room early in the morning?

"Your sister said it doesn't matter, so it doesn't matter! " Hai Yue was powerless to explain. She pushed the two children and continued to walk downstairs until she pushed them out of the villa and locked the door. Only then did she heave a sigh of relief.

Turning around, Hai Yue went into the house.

When she entered, Shi Qinuo happened to be downstairs.

Probably because she didn't sleep well last night, she was rubbing her sore neck as she walked.

"Why are you here? " Hai Yue stopped in her tracks and asked with a Sullen face.