Chapter 1190, the criteria for choosing a husband

There were too many good-looking men in Jue Ye, and all of them were top-notch. But perhaps because they had been together for a long time, Hai Yue had become immune to people like Qing Yafeng and Luo Xichen. She did not feel anything at all.

But looking at Shi Qinuo smiling like this, her heart suddenly skipped a beat. The intimate posture between the two of them would make her nervous.

But she quickly dispelled this emotion. She did not like her feelings to be affected by these inexplicable feelings.

Letting go of his body, Hai Yue's back was facing him as she busied herself in the kitchen.

She didn't know how to cook at all. All the sounds in the kitchen were the sounds of her picking up the pots and pans to admire.

As for what the pots were for, what the plates were for, she didn't know anything about it.

There was a lot of food in the fridge, but it was raw and uncut. Hai Yue didn't know many of them, and she couldn't distinguish between pork and beef.

Shi qinuo frowned as he watched from the side.

Hai Yue ignored him and continued to work on her own.

The common point of Jue Ye's people was that they were all very smart. She had never worked in the kitchen before, but her brain worked very quickly. She took out her phone and scrolled through the Internet to find a few of the simplest recipes She followed the steps above and slowly started to cook.

Shi Qinuo didn't sleep well last night. He originally planned to go upstairs to rest, but seeing Hai Yue like this, he resisted the urge to go upstairs.

Looking at her current situation, even if she made the dishes, he was still afraid of causing food poisoning.

Hai Yue completely ignored his strange gaze and continued to cook her own dishes.

Initially, she did not care about such things, but when she really started cooking, she suddenly felt that it was very fun. She scrambled the tomatoes and eggs, and the eggs were broken one after another. Moreover, the eggs were all duck eggs, making Shi Qinuo's kitchen crackle.

In the end, Shi Qinuo could not stand it anymore and pushed her behind him.

"What's wrong? " Hai Yue looked innocent.

"Let me do it! " Shi Qinuo was powerless to explain. He took the things in her hands and threw them into the trash can. He dug out some dishes from the fridge and skillfully washed, cut, and cooked.

Growing up in France, he was better at making western-style dishes. When he did it, his movements were like that of a first-class chef. He was very handsome.

Even Hai Yue, who had always been immune to handsome men, gave him a rare look of admiration. She even had the idea that she would definitely find a husband who could cook in the future.

The main reason was that she did not know how to cook. Although she was enjoying a princess-like life now, if she got married, she did not like to hire a large number of servants at home. There were only two people. It was simple enough.

However, the prerequisite was that one of them had to be responsible for three meals a day for the two of them.

For someone who only knew how to eat, such an honorable task naturally had to be handed over to the man.

Hai Yue looked at Shi Qinuo as she fantasized about him.

Outside the garden of the villa, many people from the dead of night had come. Even Qing Yafeng, who was usually not interested in anything, had also come.

His purpose of coming was not to join in the fun, but to accompany Tong Xiyao.

Tong Xiyao and Sha Zhixing had the same mentality. She had paid special attention to Hai Yue's matter, mainly out of concern for her. In addition, the news this morning had been too explosive, so she could not help but come out of curiosity.

Qing Yafeng looked over Sha Zhixing's shoulder and saw Luo Xichen, who was also standing there. The corner of his lips twitched slightly, and his face was full of disdain.