Chapter 1191 was in full swing

Luo Xichen snorted and gave him the same disdainful look.

Both of them were not people who would join in the fun, but they had come because of their woman.

Qing Yafeng was very disdainful of Luo Xichen's behavior, and Luo xichen himself was disdainful of himself.

The two of them exchanged a simple look, and their attention returned to the little woman next to them.

Sha Zhixing put her arm intimately around Luo Xichen's arm and asked with a smile, "Xichen, where do you think we are? "

"Let's go in and take a look, " Luo Xichen replied calmly.

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing's lips twitched. She let go of Luo Xichen's arm and ran off to carry the two children.

How dare he say such a thing!

What if things were getting heated inside? Wouldn't she ruin their plans if she went in like that?

The baby and Noah were very happy to be here. They stood on a stool and leaned against the hollow door, looking inside with excitement on their faces.

The two children liked Shi Qinuo very much and had a very deep relationship with him. Although they did not know what the explosive news today represented, but looking at the expressions of the people around them who were trying to join in the fun.. The two little guys cleverly thought of two words -- good news was coming!

In the understanding of the two of them, ordinary people would only show such excitement when they encountered something good.

And as long as it was good news for Shi Qinuo, they were very happy.

The baby stretched his neck and looked for a long time. After seeing nothing, his small body shrank down from the stool, suddenly pushed open the iron door, and was about to walk into the house.

"Mommy, let me help you go in and take a look! " The baby was very "serving the people" . She said in a childish voice and wanted to walk into the house.

"Hey, don't! " Sha Zhixing hugged her in a panic and dragged her out of the garden.

Although the credibility of the news might not be high, what if it was true?

Sha Zhixing didn't want anyone to ruin Shi Qinuo's matter!

The baby pursed her lips and didn't understand her behavior.

Sha Zhixing didn't explain. She stuffed a lollipop into her mouth and gagged her.

In the house, Shi Qinuo made two simple steaks and served them on the dining table.

He usually did not enter the kitchen by himself. The number of times he cooked could be counted. Hai Yue had never seen him do such a thing in the past few years. In her opinion, his hands should be placed like a work of art.

It was a rare opportunity for him to personally cook today. Hai Yue was very flattered.

With a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, Hai Yue began to enjoy the meal unceremoniously. She even opened a bottle of red wine and poured a glass for both of them.

She did this very naturally, as if she was at home.

Shi Qinuo's lips twitched slightly. He did not reject her natural behavior, but he was somewhat resistant to her drinking, especially after she drank and tormented him for the whole night.

"What kind of wine do girls drink? " Taking the glass from her lips, Shi Qinuo raised his head slightly and drained the wine in one gulp.

"None of Your Business! " Hai Yue wanted to snatch his glass, but he easily avoided her.

"Eat your lunch! " A hand pushed her hand away and Shi Qinuo pushed the bottle to the side.

Hai Yue pursed her lips and didn't continue to do such childish things with him. She stared at him and suddenly blurted out, "Shi Qinuo, you look like my father! "

Shi Qinuo's face stiffened for a few seconds and his clear and indifferent eyes swept towards her at an extremely slow speed. His thin lips lazily spat out a word, "SCRAM! "