Other than chapter 1194, was he like this in front of other men

He was very tall, and his body naturally grew taller. When he fell, he fell horizontally onto Hai Yue's body, and his chest was pressed against two soft spots.

"GO TO HELL! " Hai Yue raised the tip of her foot, wanting to kick him away. Shi Qinuo's eyes darkened, and he agilely grabbed her legs. "Hai Yue! "

These two words were almost squeezed out through gritted teeth. However, Hai Yue's full name was Hai Yue, and it was still two words. When he called her that, it didn't sound like he was angry at all.

"Try to throw me next time? " Hai Yue rolled her eyes at him and snorted disdainfully. She wanted to push him away and walk away, but her arms tried twice, but she didn't push him away.

Shi Qinuo, who was about 1.8 meters tall, was pressing on her body. He looked at her with a dark face and his gaze was cold.

Hai Yue was caught off guard by his stare and shivered. She placed her arms in front of her and instinctively made defensive movements.

Shi Qinuo looked at her arm, which was about half as thick as his, disdainfully. He broke her hand that was protecting her in front of him and suddenly turned around, pressing his body on hers.

"Do you believe me... " Shi Qinuo grabbed her wrist and warned her fiercely. His voice was so cold that it sounded like he wanted to kill her.

Hai Yue was a little afraid of him, but she retorted, "how are you? "

She lifted her face slightly. Such a move put her fair neck in front of his eyes. It was slender and fair, as elegant as a swan's neck.

Shi Qinuo looked at her with a slightly messy breathing and then looked at the two of them. He smirked mockingly.

Although he was half French, he was actually more traditional, like an easterner.

A girl was pressed down by a man, and their bodies were so close together. But the first thing she did was not push him away, not struggle, not resist, but provoke him.

It felt like she didn't mind at all.

Shi Qinuo felt a wave of uneasiness in his heart. He couldn't help but blurt out, "you don't mind at all in front of other men? "

Hai Yue was stunned.

Mind what?

"A girl should act like a girl. " Shi Qinuo didn't explain. He expressionlessly said this and snatched the phone from her hand. He turned around and went upstairs.

Hai Yue looked at his departing figure in a daze. Her face was full of confusion.

What did it have to do with him whether she looked like a girl or not?

The person who wanted to marry her wasn't him!

Hai Yue snorted in disdain. She tidied up the creases on her clothes and went straight out of the house.

When she came out, the group of people outside was still there. The baby and Noah were standing at the front, lying on the hollow carved door. When they saw her, they smiled at her and climbed down from the chair, running towards her.

"Aunt Hai Yue, what are you and Shi Shi doing inside? You made us wait for a long time! "

The two little guys held her hands on both sides and walked out with her.

Hai Yue's mind was empty when she saw the large group of people gathered outside the House. Her eyes swept across the faces of the Group of people in a daze. She had a suspicious look on her face. "Why are they all here today? "

"Ha... Haha... " Ji Nanyou smiled awkwardly and turned his gaze to the side ...

"Yafeng, I heard that a new restaurant has opened in the south of the city. Shall we go and try it out later? ''TonggXiyaoo turned around.Herr eyes curved as she heldQinggYafengg's arm.Shee turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened.