Chapter 1195. They stayed the whole night

"Xichen, the worker who delivered the SOFA should be here. Let's go back and take a look. " Sha Zhixing turned her head and dragged Luo Xichen out, ignoring the baby and Noah.

After that, the rest of the people dispersed like a swarm of bees, leaving the baby and Noah alone.

Hai Yue turned her gaze and looked at the two children.

She curved her lips and squatted down in front of the two children. She used all the gentleness she had in her life and asked with a smile, "tell Auntie what happened. "

The baby and Noah were very good at judging things. Sha Zhixing and Tong Xiyao did not say anything, so how could they say anything?

Curving the corners of her lips, the two children returned her the same smile and tacitly said, "we don't know anything! "

After saying that, they turned around and left.

Hai Yue stood rooted to the ground in a daze. She looked at the empty space for a few seconds and returned to her small villa with a puzzled expression.

After Hai Yue left, Shi Qinuo's ears became much quieter. But when he lay on the bed, he could not fall asleep. Hai Yue's clean and exquisite face automatically floated in his mind The fragrance of fruits that was different from any other woman was still lingering in his nostrils.

This was something he had never experienced before. Shi Qinuo was a little irritated. He cursed softly and walked into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

After Hai Yue went back, she didn't go straight to her own nest. Instead, she went to the Seaweed House next door.

As soon as she entered the house, Mo Ling greeted her with great hospitality.

She handed her a glass of water and her eyes curved into a smile. "How was it? How was it? "

"What do you mean, how was it? " Hai Yue was puzzled.

"Brother Qinuo! " Seaweed's crisp voice came from the side. The two teenagers followed closely and surrounded her. The family of three raised their heads and looked at her. They were all smiling slyly like a Fox.

"What's wrong with Shi Qinuo? " Hai Yue didn't hear the explosive rumors that spread like wildfire. Her mind was completely muddled.

Her confused eyes gave Mo Ling a headache.

"Didn't you stay with Shi Qinuo all night last night? "

Hai Yue was stunned for a few seconds. After she realized what they were talking about, she looked at the three of them strangely.

How many bad relationships did she have with Jue Ye's man?

It had been so many years since she had gotten into any trouble with anyone. Why did Shi Qinuo look at her so flirtatiously?

"I just drank too much last night. After he sent me back, I pestered him. Nothing happened between us. " Hai Yue didn't have the strength to explain further. She simply brushed it off and turned around to go to the SOFA next to her.

"Didn't you all wake up in the same bed? " Mo Ling's eyes were filled with disbelief.

"cough... " Hai Yue choked on her words as she glared fiercely at Hai Luo and Hai Cao.

Hai Luo and Hai Cao were startled by her gaze. They leaned against Mo Ling's body and hugged her thigh. They looked at Hai Yue and said innocently, "sister, your eyes are so fierce! "

"What did you two do this morning? " Hai Yue couldn't be bothered with the two of them pretending to be weak and directly interrogated them.

"We, WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! " Hai Cao defended herself with a lack of confidence.

"sister, let's go up and review our lessons! " Hai Luo was relatively calm. She held her hand and walked upstairs as if nothing had happened.

Mo Ling could roughly guess what had happened when she saw this. Hai Zhu and Hai Luo were her children. From their tone, she could hear the guilt of the two children.

It was a mistake!