Outside chapter 1201, what were they planning

The man was clearly blinded by his anger. He kept tugging at her dress and pulling at her collar. Just when he saw the faint underwear on her chest, he heard a gunshot. The man's pupils contracted His body fell to the side with a thud.

Hai Yue looked at him in shock. She was stunned for a few seconds before she slowly looked at the man who had suddenly appeared.

Shi Qinuo was standing a few meters away from her. He was holding a gun in his hand. It was obvious that he was the one who had attacked.

He was very direct. He didn't even give the other party a chance to react. A single shot was fatal!

At this moment, seeing him here, Hai Yue felt a flood of emotions surging in her chest. That feeling was filled with shock, touched, and some feelings that she couldn't describe.

Shi Qinuo's gaze was fixed on her chest, which had been torn to the point where her invisible underwear was exposed. He only took a glance but didn't stop. He walked over to her, took off his coat, and threw it to her.

Hai Yue came back to her senses and took the coat from him. She draped it over her shoulders and awkwardly tidied up her messy clothes.

"Are you alright? " Shi Qinuo's voice came from the front. It was low and deep, especially magnetic in the night.

"I'm fine. " Hai Yue pulled on the collar of his coat and shook her head lightly. She glanced at the man beside her and raised the tip of her foot to kick the man. Then she suddenly asked, "why did you kill him directly? "

"This kind of person deserves to die. " Shi Qinuo said expressionlessly. He took out his phone and called his assistant. "Hai family, come and clean up the aftermath. "

His words were very straightforward. He hung up the phone with just one sentence.

He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and held her hand as they walked away from the pool.

Hai Yue followed behind him. She was still standing on her stilettos. Her Gait was a little unsteady, but she did not break free from his hand.

After taking a few steps, she thought of his sudden appearance and asked, "why did you come out at the right time? "

"It was a coincidence, " Shi Qinuo replied indifferently. He dragged her to a dark resting chair in the depths of the garden and sat her down.

It wasn't exactly dark. There were street lights above her head, but the lights were very dim and hazy.

He didn't actually choose this place on purpose. He just thought that a dark spot like this would be quieter. He didn't want Hai Yue to be seen by Mo Ling and then be dragged out to deal with the candidates for the FUMA.

However, Hai Yue had just experienced the incident where she was almost taken advantage of in the dark. When she came to such a place again, her nerves suddenly tightened.

Shi Qinuo saw her reaction and the corner of his lips couldn't help but twitch. He said expressionlessly, "Miss Hai, do you think that if I had designs on you, you would still be safe until today? "

Hai Yue choked on his words. Was Her emotions that obvious?

However, it was true when she thought about it.

She had known him for a few years. Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen had already known each other before their wedding, and they had met many times since then. They had spent more than ten hours together 24 hours a day after the absolute night If Shi Qinuo had ulterior motives towards her, he would have more chances than anyone else.

Most importantly, if he was up to no good, she wouldn't be able to deal with him!

Hai Yue was still very open-minded. Since he had said so, she would not be shy.