Chapter 1200, please behave yourself

"really? I didn't expect Miss Hai to be so ambitious. " The man seemed surprised and his tone was full of praise for her.

Hai Yue,"..."

The man was silent for a second and then asked, "if Miss Hai were to get married, what kind of married life would you like? "

Hai Yue was not good at dealing with people. Her personality was too straightforward and everything was written on her face. At this time, she was a little impatient and replied the man in a bad mood, "I like to live alone! "

Her words were very harsh and she thought that she could successfully shut that person's mouth. She did not expect that person to say, "this is just right. I'm usually not at home. Miss Hai, don't you think that we are compatible in every aspect? "

The expression on Hai Yue's face froze a few seconds after his words. She looked at him as if she was looking at a monster.

Her attitude was already so obvious. This person could still talk. Did she really not see it or was she too thick-skinned?

"Miss Hai, what do you think of me? " That person did not care about her unfriendly gaze. One of his arms wrapped around her shoulder and pulled her into his embrace. The other hand suddenly stretched towards her chest.

His actions were very fast. It was as if he wanted to investigate her figure before marriage. Hai Yue was so shocked that her face turned Pale.

Her hand nimbly grabbed that person's wrist. Hai Yue turned her body to the side and placed her back on that person's chest. Her arm grabbed that person's arm. She turned her upper body to the left and pulled down. She gave that person a shoulder throw.

Her movements were very agile. That person was much taller than her. He was about 1.8 meters tall, but she had thrown him just like that. Moreover, there was a swimming pool next to it. That person had directly fallen into the swimming pool.

Splash! The pool water splashed onto the floor. He looked extremely pathetic.

"WATCH YOUR HANDS! " Hai Yue had nothing to be afraid of him. The Hai family was not weak. The only reason she accompanied this man out was because of Mo Ling. She ignored the man who was drenched in the pool and turned around to leave.

However, she had only taken two steps when the man suddenly pounced on her and pressed her down on the ground.

"You're courting death, girl! It's your fortune to be chosen by me. Many women wouldn't be able to BEG FOR IT! "

That person was clearly angered by her actions and his actions were extremely rude.

Hai Yue lived in a place like absolute night and knew self-defense techniques. However, that person suddenly pounced on her from behind and caught her off guard. His figure was also much taller than hers. When he pressed down on her, he was like a mountain, making her unable to move She didn't even have the strength to retaliate.

"You're just an orphan girl who's been adopted by someone else. Do you really think you're a princess Let me tell you, even if I kill you here today, do you believe that no one in the Hai family will say anything?"tonight, the people who came were all important figures in C city They had to go out later, but now they were in such a sorry state. That person was very angry and vented all his anger on Hai Yue. He pressed her down and was about to peel off her dress.

Hai Yue's face was flushed red. She tried hard to move her hands and feet, trying to push him away. But that person was too strong and she could not move her legs at all.

Hai Yue suddenly panicked. She had never experienced this since she was young. Her world was very simple. Other than the Hai family, there were only jue ye and the others. She had never met such scum. Her eyes were red with anger... ...