Chapter 1199, I only have eyes for you

Shi Qinuo did not care much about Hai Yue's behavior. He turned around and continued to chat with Luo Xichen and the others.

However, he was distracted as he chatted. He would look in the direction where Hai Yue had just left from time to time.

Sha Zhixing was sensitive to his subtle movements. She understood, but she did not expose him. She smiled and asked, "what are you looking at, Qi Nuo? "

Shi Qinuo came back to his senses after her words. He cleared his throat and replied nonchalantly, "nothing. "

"really? " Sha Zhixing sounded suspicious.

Shi Qinuo glanced at her from the corner of his eye and patted her head.

"Ah... it hurts... " Sha Zhixing screamed and hid behind Luo Xichen ...

Shi Qinuo's lips twitched. He took a glass of wine from the waiter and drank it casually.

Sha Zhixing also took a glass of wine and took a SIP. She looked in the direction of the garden and said with a smile, "Hai Yue is really beautiful tonight! "

Shi qinuo sipped the wine in his hand. He did not know if he heard what she said.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and asked Luo Xichen, "right, Xichen? "

"I only see you in your husband's eyes. " Luo Xichen did not avoid the presence of so many people. His words made his face not red and he was not out of breath.

Sha Zhixing was choked by his words, but the corners of her lips curled up. Her heart was so sweet as if she had drunk honey.

Luo Xichen did not speak sweet words often. Although the two of them were very close, it was rare for them to hear other couples'sweet words from each other. However, this did not mean that Sha Zhixing did not like it.

Luo Xichen pursed his lips and looked at her. He put one hand on her shoulder and walked in the direction of no one. "Zhixing, I'm bored now. Why don't we find a lounge to sit in? "

"Sure. " Sha Zhixing was very cooperative today. Her voice was full of joy.

After that, the couple left straight away, leaving Shi Qinuo behind.

Shi qinuo looked at the two of them leaving with a sour look on his face. He snorted lightly and took another sip of his wine.

Was there a need to show off their love in front of a single man like him?

Shi Qinuo was very displeased with Luo xichen's behavior. He took a few sips of his wine and his attention drifted to the garden again.

In the garden, Hai Yue and the man stopped by a pool after they walked out.

It was quieter here. Hai Yue liked the wind by the pool, so she did not continue walking.

The man was also very considerate. He would do whatever she said.

There was no other reason for Hai Yue to go out with him. She just did not want to look like she was here to ruin Mo Ling's place. After all, she had made such a grand arrangement tonight. If she did not give face to anyone, it would not be easy for Mo Ling to step down.

Because of this consideration, Hai Yue walked out with the person in front of her.

"Miss Hai, where do you usually like to go to play? " The person asked.

"I don't like to go out to play. " Hai Yue was in no mood to respond to him at all. She answered him coldly.

She thought that the person would be tactful. However, he was very appreciative and said, "really? Miss Hai, you really have the demeanor of a lady from a noble family. "

The corner of Hai Yue's lips twitched after he said that.

Was a lady from a noble family like this Did she think that it was a feudal society where women didn't go out twice?

"when is Miss Hai usually free? " The man continued to ask.

"always busy. " Hai Yue's tone was very perfunctory.