Chapter 1198, do we have a relationship

Hai Yue had no interest in tonight's banquet. In addition to her personality, she did not care much about the hearts of the crowd. From the beginning to the end, she was minding her own business.

Her stilettos were a little high, more than ten centimeters. Perhaps because she was not used to it, she walked very slowly. Her hand was on the guardrail.

When she was about to take the last step down the stairs, she suddenly staggered.

A man beside her saw this and was worried that he could not find a chance to hit on a beauty. Naturally, he wanted to help her. However, before his hand touched her arm, Hai Yue stabilized her body.

A man's attack couldn't compare to a woman's reaction speed. The man looked defeated, but his expression quickly returned to normal.

"Miss Yue, are you alright? " He pretended to be concerned and asked. The man's body moved closer to Hai Yue's side.

Hai Yue glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and saw that he was already close to her body. She frowned slightly and pushed him away unhappily.

She wasn't a tactful and worldly person to begin with. Her likes and dislikes were very obvious. She didn't even bother to hide it, which made the man feel awkward.

Shi Qinuo stood not far away and quietly watched this scene. When he thought of what he had said to her during the day, it was rare for him to have a little bit of self-reflection.

He thought that she could be so intimate in front of all men, at least from the looks of it, she was not like this.

Hai Yue was inexplicably scolded by him today. When she saw him, she ignored him as if he was air. She turned her head and walked directly in the direction of Sha Zhixing and the others.

However, the Hem of her skirt was a little long, and coupled with her high heels, she was not used to wearing high heels, so her walking was a little rough.

She took only two steps and almost fell to the ground because she tripped over the skirt.

Just as her body was about to touch the ground, a pair of arms hugged her.

The one who attacked was Shi Qinuo. He could not stand watching from the side.

"If you don't know how to wear high heels, why are you wearing such high heels? " His arms wrapped around her slender waist and his words were slightly sarcastic.

Hai Yue raised her head and looked at him. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "what does this have to do with you? "

Shi Qinuo's face darkened slightly. After she spoke, he suddenly let go of his arms that were hugging her.

"Shi... Shi Qinuo, what are you doing? " Hai Yue panicked. She grabbed his clothes in a panic and used his support to stabilize herself.

Shi Qinuo looked at her expressionlessly. He pried open her hands that were still holding onto his clothes. He tidied up the creases on his clothes as if nothing had happened. Then, he replied, "it doesn't matter, Miss Hai. Why are you holding on so tightly? "

Hai Yue,"..."

Shi Qinuo's lips curled into a smile. He turned around and walked towards Luo Xichen.

He had just taken two steps when Mo Ling's voice suddenly came from behind him. "Yueyue, come, let me introduce you. This is the son of the chairman of Shenghua Group, he's four years older than you... "

Shi Qinuo's legs could not help but stop after hearing her words. He turned his head and looked at Hai Yue from the corner of his eyes.

Hai Yue's back was facing him. He could not see the expression on her face, but she did not reject the man.

The man was very happy. He smiled and said something to Hai Yue. The two of them turned around and walked towards the garden outside. It seemed that they were going for a walk.

Shi Qinuo stood where he was. His gaze followed the two of them. He looked at Hai Yue who did not reject him from the beginning to the end. He could not help but frown.

How could he be interested in a man who looked like a pervert?

It was time to go to the Ophthalmology Department!

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Recommendation 77th new article, dangerous trial marriage: Wealthy Families Pamper their wives at sky-high prices. Relatives need to search for the pen name he Qingxia to see the series of articles in this article.