Chapter 1197, the stunning entrance

After Hai Yue returned, Mo Ling pushed her into the room to dress her up.

Mo Ling was very enthusiastic about these things. After helping her choose the services for the whole afternoon, she came back and kept helping her dress up. That feeling was more positive than dressing herself up.

As she helped her with her makeup, Mo Ling said, "Yueyue, you're not young anymore. It's time for you to get a boyfriend. There are many young people here tonight. The family background of those who came here will not be too bad. You should pay attention later! "

There was one more thing she didn't say. When she invited the guests tonight, she had already checked on Hai Yue in advance. Mo Ling didn't invite anyone whose looks didn't catch her eye.

Hai Yue didn't expect her to say this out of the blue. She choked on her words.

"Did you hear that? " Mo Ling didn't get a response from her and pushed her.

"... mm."Hai Yue answered perfunctorily. Her gaze was once again focused on the mirror ...

What she actually wanted to reply was that she wasn't old either It was still early for her to get a boyfriend!

However, seeing that Mo Ling was so enthusiastic, she didn't have the heart to discourage her.

Mo Ling was very happy to receive her affirmative answer, and continued to help her put on her makeup.

Hai Yue's skin color was good, her foundation was good, and it was very easy to put on makeup. Just a little light makeup could achieve a very stunning effect.

After Mo Ling helped her put on her clothes, makeup, and accessories, she went downstairs to receive the guests.

After Shi Qinuo arrived, he gathered with Luo Xichen, Qing Yafeng, and the others to chat.

There were a lot of people present tonight. Apart from jue Ye's female companion, the rest were all single young men around the age of 20.

What kind of shrewd person was Shi Qinuo In such a situation, there was no need to ask, but one could guess the general situation.

The Hai family was such a big family, how could their friends be limited to the younger generation?

This was clearly an intentional invitation!

As for the purpose, it was actually very easy to guess.

Tonight's banquet was probably in the name of a birthday, but in reality, it was to choose Hai Yue's son-in-law, right?

Realizing this problem, Shi qinuo frowned slightly.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the surroundings, as if someone had appeared. The gazes of the crowd were all looking at the spiral staircase.

Shi Qinuo was slightly startled. He followed the gazes of the crowd and looked over.

The lights at the spiral staircase were very bright at this moment. The Crystal Pendant was dazzling.

Hai Yue walked down the stairs step by step. She was wearing a long, lake-green gown. Her exquisite face makeup was slightly applied. Her bright eyes and white teeth. Her snow-white skin contrasted with her current appearance. She was like a fairy who had walked out of the forest.

A wave of sighs could be heard from downstairs. Pairs of eyes were fixated on her. The astonishment in their eyes was not hidden at all.

Hai Yue's gaze swept past the crowd and bumped into Shi Qinuo who was standing in the corner.

Shi Qinuo was also looking at her. His gaze was different from the other men's drooling gaze. His eyes were still as cold as before. His eyes were hazy, and no one could see the emotions in his eyes.

Hai Yue merely glanced at him indifferently and retracted her gaze. She continued to walk down the stairs step by step.

The gazes of the crowd followed her footsteps. Wherever she went, their gazes followed.

Hai Yue's facial features were so beautiful that it was impossible to pick one out of a hundred miles. Moreover, she was the princess of the Hai family. Whether it was her looks or her family background, they were all highly coveted. From the moment she appeared, all the men's gazes seemed to be glued to her They did not even take a single step away.