Chapter 1206, I'll bite you to death, you scum

Hai Yue didn't understand, but she still felt a sense of accomplishment after beating Shi qinuo verbally. However, this sense of accomplishment was extinguished when she saw her current position.

"Shi Qinuo, let me up! " Hai Yue screamed and started to twist her body around him.

"Shut up! " Shi Qinuo was driving, and it was only one hand. How could he withstand her restlessness? The hand that was holding the steering wheel slipped.

How could Hai Yue listen to him? She wasn't a three-year-old child. Being pressed down by him like this made her feel that her dignity was gone.

Her protest didn't have any effect. She lowered her eyes and looked at his thigh that was close to Chi Chi Chi. Hai Yue suddenly bit down.

She bit down very hard, and it felt as if she was going to tear a piece of his flesh.

Shi Qinuo grunted, and with a cold face, he wanted to throw her out of the window.

"Let go of me! " Hai Yue lay on his body, and her mouth was still biting a piece of his flesh. Her voice was muffled.

"Let go. " Shi Qinuo frowned and said in a cold voice.

"Let go! " Hai Yue was unwilling to let go. She even bit harder. At this time, she was even more annoyed that she did not bring any defensive weapons when she went out?

Even babies and children like Noah had been trained by Luo Xichen to carry hidden weapons whenever they went out. Why couldn't she develop this habit?

"Let go! " Shi Qinuo simply leaned the car to the side. One Hand was holding her body, and the other was pinching the skin on the back of her head like a kitten. He really wanted to pinch her up.

Hai Yue glanced at his abdomen and suddenly raised her elbow. She wanted to use eighteen anti-wolf moves to push him away, but she was fast. Shi Qinuo was faster than her. Before her hand could touch his body, he blocked it with his agility. His wrist was even cut behind his back.

Shi Qinuo freed one hand and looked at her mouth that was still biting him with disdain. His slender fingers restrained her jaw. With just a little force, Hai Yue was in so much pain that she automatically let go of his mouth.

It was easy for him to get rid of her.

Hai Yue was furious and wanted to use her other arm to attack him again. However, she was easily blocked again.

In fact, she would usually lose if she fought against jue Ye's man.

Although she had the title of Jue Ye's man, she was the least motivated and the most lazy one. Other than her good marksmanship, she had almost no other specialties.

She could deal with ordinary hooligans with just a little bit of martial arts. But when she met Jue ye's man, any one of them would be able to take care of her.

Hai Yue suddenly regretted that she had not made any progress for so many years. If she had worked a little harder, how many people would have been trampled under her feet?

Hai Yue was frustrated for a while, and she tried to wriggle in Shi Qinuo's arms again.

She was lying on top of him, and the angle of her struggle was still very large. Her body was like a fish, constantly rubbing against his body. Under her movements, a certain part of her body kept rubbing against Shi Qinuo's body, but she did not notice it.

Shi Qinuo felt the numbness caused by the rubbing of their bodies. His entire body stiffened, and his voice was a little hoarse. "Don't move! "

Hai Yue did not understand what he meant. She was being oppressed by him, and he still told her not to move Did he really think that she was easy to bully?

"Let me get up! " She was very disdainful of his words. Hai Yue's legs groped towards him, and her body twisted even more violently on his legs.