Chapter 1207, do you want to take responsibility

Shi Qinuo felt a burning sensation all over his body, especially where she was pressing on his legs. It was as if a flame had been ignited, hot and unbearable. This feeling gradually spread to his entire body.

This feeling was strange, and even he had not expected it.

Shi Qinuo's entire body stiffened. thinking of Hai Yue's words, "every man has his own love" , he suddenly felt a little disdainful towards himself.

He actually had a reaction towards a stunted girl... ...

Hai Yue had been suppressed by him for quite a while. She was extremely embarrassed. She struggled for a long time but could not break free. Suddenly, she bit him again.

Shi Qinuo was currently frustrated. Half of it was because of the unbearable physiological reaction in his body, and the other half was because of Hai Yue's restlessness. After being attacked by her again, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped her buttocks.

A single action caused Hai Yue's body to stiffen for a few seconds, and her face instantly became hot.

He actually hit her!

And he hit that part!

Hai Yue's mind was blank for a few seconds, and she suddenly became angry.

"Shi Qinuo, have you played enough hooligan? " She growled at him in a low voice, and Hai Yue's voice was filled with intense anger.

Shi Qinuo's gaze fixed on her angry face, and her loud voice echoed in his ears. He was absent-minded for a while, and a faint smile seemed to appear on his cold face.


This seemed to be the first time someone had described him this way.

In front of everyone, Shi Qinuo's image seemed to be cold and inviolable, giving people the feeling that he had no love or desire. This was the first time someone had described him this way.

Looking at the posture of the two of them, Shi Qinuo himself agreed with half of Hai Yue's words.

He was indeed quite a hooligan.

And he was actually treating a stunted little girl... ...

Even Sha Zhixing had been by his side for so many years, but Shi Qinuo had never played a hooligan with her. Now, he was actually treating Hai Yue like this.

Such a discovery was very novel.

His gaze quietly fell on Hai Yue's exquisite face, and Shi Qinuo suddenly started to seriously size her up.

His gaze slowly moved down her face. Just as it touched her body, Hai Yue suddenly jumped up and banged her head on his body. "GO TO HELL! "

She was very strong, but Shi Qinuo could still bear the pain, but Hai Yue herself was in pain from the impact.

Shi Qinuo's arm reflexively pulled her into his embrace. His hand fell on her head, wanting to help her rub it. The moment their bodies touched, Hai Yue let out an "Ah" and pushed him away.

Her movements were very fast. It was as if she had touched a hot potato. Her face was still very hot, and her gaze was fixed on his lower abdomen.

"You, you... " Hai Yue looked at him in shock. She suddenly found it difficult to speak.

His body was very tense, very hot... ...

Although Hai Yue had never experienced love before, she was already so old, so she still understood the most basic things.

Physiological reaction... ...

Shi Qinuo was already feeling uncomfortable. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help but blurt out, "what? Do you want to take responsibility? "

After saying that, Hai Yue was stunned. She looked at him as if he was a monster, staring at him for a long time without coming back to her senses.

She had known Shi Qinuo for so many years, and he had always given her a very cold and aloof image. The way he spoke just now should have been someone like Luo Xichen, or someone like Qing Yafeng, who had a cold and arrogant appearance It should not have been Shi Qinuo's tone that would have been spoken by a man who had turned into a beast after meeting Tong Xiyao.