Chapter 1208. Aren't you ashamed

However, he just said this, but very natural.

Hai Yue suddenly thought of that WHO's a famous saying... ... Men are animals . !

Hai Yue was confused and stared at him for a while. Mengdi pushed him to the passenger seat and took his place. She started the car and said, "LET'S EAT! "

Shi Qinuo facial expression looked at her action, some headache to rub the temple, attention to empty in the window.

Hai Yue's driving skills were very good. She had been trained to race with a group of people from absolute night. Moreover, her driving movements were very handsome. When she spun around, her movements were especially beautiful.

After spending more than ten minutes in the city, the two of them finally stopped in front of a Chinese restaurant.

Shi Qinuo had been in c city for quite a long time. However, France was the environment where he grew up. In fact, his taste was more French. However, when he saw Hai Yue walking in front excitedly, he didn't say anything.

Hai Yue led him to the front. After choosing a quiet private room, she ordered a bunch of dishes.

She looked very thin, but she ate a lot. Just like Sha Zhixing, she was a typical Foodie, and she didn't eat too much.

Shi Qinuo listened to her chattering and spouted a bunch of names that he had never heard of, but he didn't say anything.

The dishes were served very quickly in this restaurant. After ordering, two dishes were served within ten minutes, but they were all cold dishes.

Hai Yue sat opposite him and didn't care about him. She just continued to eat her own dishes.

There were two plates of cold dishes. One was lamb tripe and the other was braised and boiled tongue. Shi Qinuo did not eat these strange things. He just looked at him and did not move his chopsticks.

Hai Yue was eating happily. Seeing that he did not eat, she seemed to be even happier. She moved the two plates in front of her.

Shi Qinuo's lips twitched under her action. It took him a lot of effort to resist the urge to hit her.

Did she order it on purpose?

"Aren't you going to try it? ''HaiiYuee knew his eating habits, but she picked up a small piece of lamb tripe and asked despite knowing the answer.

She thought that Shi Qinuo would refuse, but under her astonished gaze, he grabbed her wrist with one hand. His handsome face leaned over and directly put the food in her chopsticks into his mouth.

This action stunned Hai Yue. She stared at him in a daze and even forgot to pull her hand back.

Shi Qinuo didn't feel anything and slowly chewed the food.

He ate very carefully. In the past, Sha Zhixing had taken him to eat such strange things in order to get rid of his eating habits, but she couldn't completely change it.

Shi Qinuo's expression was initially as if he had eaten poison. He was very cautious, but towards the end, his brows relaxed a little. Then, he picked up a piece of belly silk with Hai Yue's chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

The second time he ate, his expression was obviously much better. By the third time, the plate under Hai Yue's eyes had been moved over by him.

"You're small, eat less. " Shi Qinuo's reason was very dignified. He glanced at the plate that was still left beside her and stretched out his hand to bring the plate to his side.

"Don't you feel embarrassed? " Hai Yue was furious and glared at him fiercely. She hugged the plate in a panic.

"What's there to feel embarrassed about? " Shi Qinuo raised his eyebrows and pried her arm apart. Under her widened eyes, he directly took the two plates of dishes away.