Chapter 1216 the nature of scum

This was a jungle trap filled with dead leaves.

The forest was foggy and Hai Yue didn't notice it at all.

"Shi Qinuo"

Hai Yue was flustered. Her hands fumbled in the air, trying to use something to stabilize herself. However, she grabbed onto a vine that couldn't support her at all.

Hai Yue's arms held onto the vine tightly. Her body was suspended in the trap for a few seconds. The overly slender vine broke under her gravity. Hai Yue let out a scream. Just when she thought she was about to fall into the pit.. A long vine suddenly appeared out of thin air and landed right beside her.

Hai Yue couldn't care less at this moment. She instinctively grabbed the vine and stabilized her body.

When she raised her head, she saw Shi Qinuo appear in this place.

The forest was very foggy, and it enveloped his entire body in a hazy fog. In addition, his aura was relatively cold to begin with. It felt like he had been banished from the world.

He walked very slowly. His steps were slow and even a little leisurely.

Hai Yue looked at him like this and then looked at the vines that were a few meters away from them. She didn't know if this similarly thin vine could bear her weight, so she suddenly panicked.

However, Shi Qinuo's steps were still neither fast nor slow. It felt like he was taking a walk. Hai Yue cried.

"Shi, Shi Qinuo, hurry up... " glancing at the bottomless pit below her, her voice trembled slightly.

"Hurry up and do what? " Shi Qinuo answered her casually and his voice was lazy.

If it were any other time, Hai Yue would have punched him with her fist.

But now, she had a favor to ask. No matter how angry she was, she had to suppress it.

"Save me! " Hai Yue's voice sounded like she was crying as she grabbed the vines with both hands.

Shi Qinuo slowly walked to her side and squatted down beside her. However, he did not immediately pull her up.

This made Hai Yue really angry. She directly shouted at him, "Shi Qinuo, are you going to help me or not? "

"Why didn't you say anything when you left? " Ignoring her words, Shi Qinuo looked at her suspended in the air and asked casually.

What did he say He was just walking around.

Hai Yue really wanted to reply him, but under the circumstances, she endured it.

"How old are you? Don't you have any common sense in an unfamiliar place? " Shi Qinuo's eyes locked onto her pale face and mocked her without holding back.

There were many dangerous factors in the forest. Traps, beasts, swamps, any one of THEM COULD BE FATAL!

What Hai Yue didn't know was that he was actually worried about her after she had disappeared for more than ten minutes!

He would be worried about her!

Such a discovery was something that Shi Qinuo hadn't expected. It was so sudden.

Hai Yue wasn't as meticulous as him to begin with. How could she have thought so much? She treated his actions as teasing her.

"pull me up first. " Hai Yue looked at him pitifully. Her hand tried to climb along the vines twice, but just as she made a move, her palm suddenly slipped

The unexpected situation shocked her so much that her face changed and her eyes widened in panic.

However, just as her body was about to fall, a pair of arms suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand. Hai Yue's slender body flew into the air and crashed into Shi Qinuo. She fell to the ground beside him.