Chapter 1217 eighteen moves to prevent wolves

Hai Yue's next move was intentional. Her reaction was quick as well. After she bumped into Shi Qinuo, she pushed him and fell to the ground.

Her strength was still very strong. This push had used up all her strength. The main reason was that the resentment she had accumulated just now was too deep.

When she was down there, she had been teased by him leisurely for so long. Now that she was out, it was time for her to return the favor!

Her strength carried a ruthless force. After pushing Shi Qinuo to the ground, her reaction was agile. She grabbed the vines that he had just used and tied them to his hands.

Her movements were very fast and agile.

Shi Qinuo did not expect her to suddenly pull such a trick. He glanced at her body that was on top of him at an extremely slow speed and then looked at his wrists that were tied up by her. He raised his eyebrows and slowly said, "I didn't know you had such a wicked sense of humor. "

"Shut up! " Hai Yue scolded him in a low voice. Her two hands twisted the vines tied to his wrists. She wanted to pull him into the trap and let him have a taste of what she felt when she was down there. Unfortunately, Shi Qinuo was much taller than her, and his legs were long Not to mention throwing him down, even pulling him up was a problem for her.

Hai Yue tried a few times, but she couldn't even move him.

"What do you want to play? " Shi Qinuo lay flat on the ground and looked at her expressionlessly. His voice was cold and thin.

Hai Yue ignored him. One of her arms held his neck, trying to push him up. Suddenly, Shi Qinuo's arms wrapped around her neck and pulled her onto his body.

She wanted to move him, but she couldn't do anything to him. If he wanted to touch her, even if his hands were tied, he could do whatever he wanted.

This was the difference between the two of them.

Hai Yue's head hit his chest with a thud.

Shi Qinuo's arms slowly moved from her head to her body and wrapped around her waist. His gaze fixed on her face. "How else do you want to play? "

His tone was very contemptuous and carried a serious sense of disdain.

Hai Yue felt that she was being discriminated against. She glanced sideways at the vines that were still tied to his hands and grabbed one end of them. She wanted to tie his legs as well, but Shi Qinuo's bound hands suddenly exerted some force. The thin vines fell down with a thud His hands were freed and he agilely grabbed her hands that were causing trouble.

The sudden situation stunned Hai Yue. She was stunned for two seconds and wanted to nimbly escape from his body. Suddenly, Shi Qinuo's arms grabbed her waist and stopped her movements.

He was fast and Hai Yue's reaction speed was not slow either. Before he could make his next move, under Shi Qinuo's cold gaze, she suddenly grabbed his crotch

Shi Qinuo's blood rushed to a certain place under her one move. He grunted and looked at her with eyes as cold as sharp ice blades.

Hai Yue's actions were purely a reflex. Weren't the eighteen anti-wolf moves supposed to teach girls to attack a man's most vulnerable spot in the face of danger?

Her current thoughts were like this and she didn't think too much about it.

She had been toyed with by him for so long and if she didn't return the favor now, how could she be worthy of him?

Shi Qinuo's body stiffened under her actions and he didn't move at all as she wished.

Hai Yue was very satisfied with his performance. The body that was pressing on him still didn't get up. She even said provocatively, "come on, aren't you going to continue? "

"Let go! " Shi Qinuo said coldly with a warning tone.

Hai Yue snorted disdainfully.

Tch, she let go just because I told her to?

Do you think I'm a fool?