Chapter 1212. If you want it, just say it

When Shi Qinuo did this, he didn't hold back at all. He grabbed the blanket and wanted to lift her up.

Hai Yue reflexively dodged. Her slender legs stretched out from the blanket and kicked at him.

She didn't show any mercy when she did this. The arc of her movements was very large and didn't have any image at all. Her slender jade-white feet stretched towards Shi Qinuo's body.

Shi Qinuo frowned and with one hand, he agilely grabbed her ankle.

Hai Yue's expression changed and she switched to another leg.

In a place like absolute night, some defensive moves were necessary. She naturally knew them too. It was just that she didn't learn them well. But compared to ordinary girls, her speed was much faster and her attack power was much stronger.

But she was fast, and Shi Qinuo was even faster. The two of them exchanged one or two rounds and Hai Yue's legs were easily controlled by him.

Hai Yue was furious. She swung her leg and wanted to pull it back. But this action caused... ... something on her body to slip ...

Hai Yue didn't wrap most of her body in the blanket. She wasn't fully awake in the early morning. The sudden situation made her dazed.

The sudden silence stunned Shi Qinuo as well.

He looked at her leg that was still on his body and then looked at her suspiciously. His expression was a little strange.

This kind of silence didn't belong to her.

Hai Yue's expression was dull for a few seconds. She felt the warm touch of her skin directly touching the blanket. She was stunned. This seemed to be..

The towel she was wearing to sleep... ... fell off ...

When she realized this, Hai Yue's face flushed red. It was as if she was being held back.

Shi Qinuo's brows furrowed even more under her expression. Then, under Hai Yue's furious gaze, he slowly spat out two words, "Need To pee? "

"SCRAM! " Hai Yue's face was flushed red as she shouted at him. Suddenly, her entire body stiffened and she didn't dare to move.

"There's no need to be embarrassed. If you want it, just say it. " Shi Qinuo answered her nonchalantly, his tone casual.

Hai Yue really wanted to say "get lost" to him again, but considering the current situation, she held back all her anger.

The leg that was resting on his body slowly twitched twice. She softened her tone and said, "Shi, Shi Qinuo, go out and wait for me first, okay? "

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in the airport. " Shi Qinuo was very disdainful of her words. He remained where he was and did not leave.

"Is that so? " Hai Yue said with a strange tone. Thinking of his physiological reaction last night, the corners of her lips curled up mockingly. "If you're not interested, just go out! "

"What were you thinking when you opened the door at night? " Shi Qinuo mocked him.

Hai Yue was silent because of him. She simply reached out and pushed him. "Are you embarrassed to walk to a girl's room so early in the morning? Get Out! Get Out! "

She was a little anxious and her movements were very curved. When she straightened her body and pushed him, the silk fell off her body

The sudden situation stunned both of them.

Shi Qinuo's gaze moved from her face to her exposed body at an extremely slow speed. He stared at her for a while and his mind was blank for a few seconds.

Hai Yue was stunned. She was also stunned for a long time. When she realized the situation, she didn't push him out of the house with a blushing face, nor did she scold him for being "vulgar" . Instead, she --

���� Digression

Qi Nuo and Hai Yue's story would probably end in a week or so. It was probably like this. After that, our new article would be even more --